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A/n: So it's college themed and based off a dream I had so it's a regular imagine yayyyy


"You all will be assigned partners for this assignment, you may not change them

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"You all will be assigned partners for this assignment, you may not change them. First will be Y/n L/n and Yugyeom Kim. You will have the country South Korea which shouldn't be a problem for Yugyeom." I groan inwardly because I don't want to work with Yugyeom. Don't get me wrong he's a nice guy but he's best friends with my crush Jackson. After the teacher dismisses us Yugyeom comes over to me. "Hi Y/n, when do you want to get together and work on our project?" We walk out the classroom together.

"Well this is my last class today so I'm free whenever." He smiles and I feel my heart rate speed up. "Oh me too, let's go to my place."


"So this is where your from? It's really pretty, I wish I was from there." Yugyeom is showing me some of his personal pictures. "Well I was born there and came here when I was younger. I go back every year so maybe we can go together so I can show you around." He smiles at me and I feel my cheeks heat up ...what is happening? "I'd like that, I want to try some authentic Korean food and go to the street markets." His laugh is so cute I feel myself fawning over him. "Well I can definitely take you to those places. So what's your major?"

"Fine Arts, focus is on Multimedia. I minor in photography so that's why I'm in our class. What about you?" He sits down next to me on the couch. "I major in Dance and I minor in photography...what's your favorite art to do?" Before I can answer, his housemates come strolling in the living room...noisily. "Yoooo Yugyeom I didn't know you knew
Y/n, what's up Y/n/n?" Jackson says smiling. "Oh hi Jackson...we're working on a project." He raises an eyebrow. "You're not a dance major so..."

"Photography class actually. I'm in that class too." BamBam says coming into the room with a bag of chips. "Ohhhhh okay, that makes sense. Y/n is such an artist, well we're going upstairs. Later Y/n!" Jackson winks at me before going upstairs with BamBam. "I'm sorry about them...they're annoying."


"Girl you've been hanging out with Yugyeom a lot lately. What's up with that?" I shrug as I shop with my friend Hani. "Oh Hani stop asking about that. We're just friends." She rolls her eyes. "Yeahhhh okay, are you hanging over there to see Jackson? I thought you liked him." I pick up a cute hoodie but I put it down. "I did but I don't know...Yugyeom is growing on me. I don't even get butterflies from Jackson anymore...plus I think he has a girlfriend."

"Well it seems like you like Yugyeom which isn't a bad thing. He's really cute and personally I think he likes you too." I sigh as I pick up this shirt that looks like something Yugyeom has. "I know...he's amazing and I really want to date him but...I feel weird being around Jackson." She shrugs. "Then don't be around him, just focus on Yugyeom."


"Y/n/n what are you doing here? Did you miss me?" Jackson says opening the door. My smile falters a bit. "Oh hi Jackson...is Yugyeom here?" He frowns slightly. "Yeah he's here but...I've been meaning to ask, do you not like me anymore? I get the feeling you don't want to be around me." I shake my head and my heart sinks hearing him say that. "I do like you Jackson it's just not in the same way I used to."
He raises an eyebrow. "So you're not interested in me anymore?? Aww well that's okay, Yugyeom is a good guy. As long as it's not BamBam." BamBam walks by and scrunches you're his face.

" BamBam walks by and scrunches you're his face

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"Uh and what's wrong with liking me??"

Jackson rolls his eyes. "Anyways Yugs in the basement practicing a dance." I thank him and I head towards the basement. When I open the door I hear Wow by Post Malone blasting. He doesn't see me because he's really focused on his dance. He's glistening with sweat and I smile seeing the look on his face. "Hi Yugyeom..." He stops dancing and smiles pausing the music. "Hey Y/n/n! What's up?"

I get slightly nervous because he looks really good right now. "Uh I came here to tell you something...and I hope this doesn't ruin anything."

"Uh I hope nothing bad

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"Uh I hope nothing bad..." I shake my head. "No...I just wanted to tell you that I have kind of a big crush on you and I have for at least a month now. After we finished the project I just had to find every excuse just to hang out with you and the only one I have right now is I like you." He stands there shocked at first but then starts smiling happily. "You're so cute Y/n/n! Awww it must've taken a lot of courage to confess your feelings for me...I like you too. I was so happy we were assigned to be partners because I always wanted to get to know you better."

"You do? Oh well uh I guess it's settled then." He nods. "Yes although I never thought I'd be confessing my feelings for you in my basement. Oh well, now that we're dating we'll have to go on a date."


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Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now