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A/n : This isn't an imagine per's a sub series because I left out a lot about them and people think that they're toxic...they're pretty happy just they have mini disagreements and Mark gets a little territorial. I'll start this after their first date so waaaaay back to idol high in their younger days.


I get up feeling sluggish so I put on my robe to make myself some tea. Wooyoung already had the water going. "Good morning Kayla...aren't you glad you don't have any morning classes?" I shrug getting my mug out the cabinet. "Not really...Mark has morning classes and we have only an hour of free time together before I go to my afternoon classes. Especially since I don't plan to be an idol we don't have classes together. This sucks!" I put my tea bag in my mug and Wooyoung pours the hot water in. "Ah well not every situation can be like Mina and Jackson's. They're dating right?" I shrug.

"Basically...he's not asked her out or anything but they're always together. If they're not dating then there's no hope for me to date Mark. They spend too much time together, if I were to call her right now I bet she's in class next to Jackson. Watch." I pull out my phone and FaceTime Mina. She picks up and I see she's definitely in class. "Hey Mina...what's up?"
She turns the camera around and shows the dance studio she's in. "I'm practicing for a class project with Minghao, Hoshi, and Joshua. Say hi guys!" They all way in the camera. " Jackson today?" She purses her lips. "He's in a group with BamBam and no. Usually we are in class together though. Why?" She raises an eyebrow and Wooyoung chuckles. "Is that Wooyoung? Hi Wooyoung I miss you!"

He pops his head on the screen. "Hey Mina! I miss you too! You'll have to come over again soon, Mingi has been talking about you." She gives a thumbs up. "I definitely will, I miss my sweet crackhead Mingi! Alright I gotta go...Jackson what are you doing here? You can't see our performance until project presentation day!" I hear Jackson laughing and Minghao yelling at him to get out. Wooyoung smirks and I give him a knowing look. "Hey Jackson!" He comes over to the camera follows by Mark. "Hey Kayla...are you trying to seduce someone? Why are you wearing a robe?" Jackson asks and Mark snatches the phone from him. "Oh that's just her lounging around're acting as if she's wearing her red silk bath robe."

"Um how do you know the color of her bath robe or that it's silk?" Jackson asks raising an eyebrow. "Uhhhh well that's not important! Anyways we should let Mina get back to's your phone." He hands Mina back her phone and she looks like she's about to say something. "Hmm interesting...we'll talk later. Bye sis!" She hangs up and Wooyoung continues to smirk. "So how does he know about your red silk bath robe?" I roll my eyes and sip my tea. "Well I got out the shower and I heard him knocking at the door. So I threw on my robe to answer the door."

"When was this?" He questions crossing his arms. "I don't know sometime last week." Wooyoung purses his lips. "Hmmm interesting. Well I gotta get to class, see you later. Enjoy your tea!"


"Just date him already, I mean if you really like him and you hang out all the time then what are you doing?" I say as Mina and I get our nails done in the salon on campus. "I'm not even sure he likes me. He says things sometimes like we're dating but I'm not sure if he's serious." I roll my eyes at her. "Mina it's really obvious he likes you. Just ask him what's going on in your relationship. Now...has Mark mentioned me at all? Like when you see him in class?" She raises her eyebrow. "Oh how the turntables...hmmm well Mark and I mostly talk about music and him making fun of Jackson. Sometimes when Jackson is gone he'll ask me stuff like what's your favorite color or where you like to eat or where you'd maybe like to go if we were hanging out."

"Interesting ...I'm going to see what happens. We start our internships soon so I'll see what where we stand."


Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now