Idol Family

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So this will be written I think a little differently because it's partially a reality show...we'll see. Comment if you like it but here we go. So it to clarify the younger twins are 2 and the older twins are 8. As expected I'll kinda skip around to make it more entertaining. Someone asked what to reference the twins to look like and well...honestly I can't find a picture that well suits them. But the boys have a look similar to Jackson as a child. Also Sakura and Ryu are identical, Heidi and Kiyoshi are fraternal. Anymore questions please ask because I'll do a Q&A later. Enjoy!


"Oh yes baby right there! Omg please get it!" Mina screams standing on the bed. I see a huge spider crawling on her vanity. "Oh $#@%!" Ryu comes running in hearing his mom screaming. "Mommy is it a spider? I'll get it!" He has a flip flop in his hand ready to kill it. He swings and kills it quickly and disposed of it so Mina doesn't see it. "Thank you Ryu, oh what would mommy do without her brave son?" She kisses him on the top of his head and hugs him tightly. "You'd probably have to call Uncle Khi to kill all the spiders since BaBa is a scaredy-cat!" I purse my lips and Mina giggles. "Oh you're right, BaBa is no good when it comes to these things. I love him though."

"Look I would've killed the spider but Ryu likes doing things for his mom so I let him kill it." I shrug into the camera.

Sakura and the twins come in and run up to Mina. "Mommy are you okay? We heard screaming!" Sakura hugs her and the twins climb up on the bed and hug her too. "Aww thank you babies, mommy is fine now. Your brother killed the spider. Who's hungry?" She tickles them all and they burst into a fit of giggles. "We are! We are!" I smile at my beautiful wife and kids. "Okay I'll make breakfast, Sake and Ryu Ryu can you make sure Yoshi and Pan Pan get their faces washed and teeth brushed?" They nod and carry the twins to their bathroom. Mina comes over to me and hugs me. "Our anniversary is coming up and I think we should have a party this year." I smile and hug her back. "9 years...I can't believe it. You look the same as you did the day I met you. Your hair is just longer and more auburn but you haven't aged. If I didn't see you with the kids I'd never know you were a mom." She playfully hits me on my chest. "You're just saying that, of course I've aged somewhat because I definitely have a mom body. My butt has gotten bigger." I smirk. "I see nothing wrong with fact I love it. Namjoon was commenting on it the other day and I almost fought him."

"You don't talk about my wife like that, she's mine! Has her butt gotten a little bigger? Sure, but I wish my friends would stop looking."

What do they say?

I roll my eyes. "Oh especially Jooheon , he'll say 'No offense but Mina's comeback awhile ago was really sexy! Her silhouette is my lock screen.' Like come on, there's plenty of girls who are after him and he decides to comment about getting someone who looks like Mina. Namjoon says the same kinda crap and it ticks me off. We literally have four kids together, she's not going anywhere."


How do you feel about your friends commenting on Jackson being sexy?

"Well they can say what they want but at the end of the day he's not married with four kids with them, he's married with four kids with me. They're all married for the most part anyways so they have their own men to worry about."

"Oh Seunie, he was probably joking around with you. Anyways we promised the kids we'd go to the park today so we should start getting ready after I finish breakfast." We kiss before I slip on my robes and slippers to go downstairs. I feed our dogs before I start prepping our breakfast. "Mommy can I help cook?" Sakura comes in smiling sitting at the island. "Sure you can help make the strawberry and mango parfaits. Do you remember how to cut the fruit?" She nods and starts washing the fruit. I bread the fish and start frying it while the grits are cooking.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now