Suga Pt.1

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I was enraged, I thought he loved me. I thought he loved me.

I sit in my room staring at the wall while my phone blows up with calls from him. I go over the scene in my head of the love of my life kissing another girl. They weren't just kissing...they were intoxicated in a full blown makeout session oblivious to my watchful eye.

I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because my world came crashing down in what seemed like mere minutes. The time I had spent with him wasted and left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'd be lying if I said I wish I hadn't seen what happened. If I didn't I wouldn't be heartbroken.

"Sage open up! I know you're in there, I can hear your heart crying....let me in." My best friend calls through my locked room door. She has a key so she unlocks it when I don't answer.

Her face softens looking at me and comes over and comforts me, causing me to cry harder. "I know, let it out." Alana rubs my back awkwardly not knowing exactly how to console my broken heart.

"Hey, stop crying...he's not worth your tears. Jaebum isn't worth crying over, look what he did to you! You're a mess for crying out loud!" I sniffle and smile a little at her way of cheering me up.

"You're completely right...I need to get over him." She nods. "Yes, yes you do. Now, I got pizza and kdramas for days..." I manage to stifle a laugh. "You had me at pizza."

3 Months Later

I feel refreshed after finally getting rid of everything that reminded me of him. It wasn't easy but with the help of Alana I finally did it.

"I'm going for a Starbucks run, I'll be back." Alana groans in response as she was still half asleep. We live walking distance from the lovely coffee chain so naturally I walk there.

When I open the door the smell of coffee along with sweat and sweet pastries fill my senses. I'm a regular so they just put in my order. I sit at a table with a book in hand, reading the poetic words of Hemingway.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up to see a guy that's tall in stature and oddly familiar. He's wearing a face mask so I can't put my finger on where I know him from. I gesture for him to take the empty seat in front of me. He sits and takes off his face mask.

My eyes just about pop out of my head. Yoongi ...the hot neighbor from down the hall?! He smiles softly at me while I try to snap out of my awkward stare.

"I see you come here often but I never worked up the courage to come talk to you. You like Hemingway?" I almost choke on my own saliva. "Uh-um yeah I love him actually. His words seem to entice me to read more..."

He nods in agreement. "I'll have to read it..." He seems to struggle to remember my name. "Sage." He nods. "Sage...that's a spice right? I like it, it suits you." I pray that there is no blush creeping on my face. "Well aren't you a charmer? Here you can borrow my copy if you like, I've read it a million times already."

I hand him the book as my order is called. "That's to go." He smiles at the book in his hands and then at me. "I'll bring this back as soon as I'm done." I smile back. "It's no rush..." Smooth like a criminal Sage, like a criminal.

Little did I know he'd returned it sooner than I thought.

AnasageJ this is for you😊. Not asked for but...heh thought you'd like something to read. 😂😂😂😂

Part 2 coming your way sooner than you think 😉👌🏾✌🏾👋🏾

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