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"Y/N!" I hear a faint disturbance in my dream. It repeats itself until I'm awoken from my slumber. "Y/n/n, do I have to offer incentives to get you to wake up?"

 "Y/n/n, do I have to offer incentives to get you to wake up?"

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"Boy you have 2.5 seconds to get out my face." Jackson just smiles. "I want to take you out today, don't be a grouch." He kisses my cheek before going to sit on my couch across my bedroom. I sit there now fully awake wondering if I should just go along with this.

Last night Jackson and I confessed our feelings to each other while stargazing on my roof. We never established where that left us because he got a call and had to leave immediately saying he'll come by the next day. Well that's all I can think about and my heart feels like it's going to explode.

I get out of bed and do my morning routine. "You look beautiful with a bare face, don't put on makeup today. Where we're going you don't need it anyway."

"Whatever you say

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"Whatever you say...where are we going?" He just smirks. "The beach ...and other places." I hum in response as I grab my bathing suit to change into.


 "Do you not like it?" Jackson is just staring at me after I change into my one piece at the beach

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"Do you not like it?" Jackson is just staring at me after I change into my one piece at the beach. "I-I...it's really nice on you." I smile knowing he's nervous. "Thanks...yah you're it!" I poke him and run off. "Yah!" He chases after me and we go back and forth until I'm worn out.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now