Jay Park pt2

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A/n: Well it's been requested and I did have a dream series but I'm not making this a series. Idol High was so long omg I'm not putting you through that again I promise but I do have a Got7 series coming up. Let's get to this.


"Are you really doing this right now? I have a deadline you know?" I'm trying to finish a painting for Taehyung that he requested. "I know you requested to not be disturbed until you were finished, but Jay is on the phone and wants to know when you're going to be ready for your dinner tonight?" I take out my phone and look at the time. "Awww man...let me speak to him." She hands me her phone and I take it off mute. "Hey babe, I'm sorry I didn't realize what time it was. I'll leave here in 30 minutes and I'll need to stop by my house and freshen up and then I'll meet you at the venue."

"I figured you lost track of time it's okay. That's why I set the reservation up later than I told you. Our parents are going to be meeting for the first time so I'm kinda nervous." I groan remembering our parents are going to be joining us. "That's right...okay well I'll dress up more and actually do my makeup." I hear him laughing on the other end of the line. "Baby you're beautiful with a bare face, you have glass skin. But you know if that's what you want then it's fine. I can't wait to see you, it's been two weeks."


"Jay close your mouth, something will fly in there." He shakes his head as if snapping out of his trance. "Wow I've never seen that dress before, it really accentuates your curves. Do you think this could come on our honeymoon?" I roll my eyes as he wraps his arm around my waist as we enter the venue together. "I hope you don't make those kind of comments around our parents." We see our parents conversing at the reserved table. "I'm sorry to keep you all waiting, I was stuck in traffic." Jay's mom smiles and gets up and hugs me. "Oh it's okay, we just got here too." My mom nods in agreement. "Yeah we were just chatting with the Parks and they are cool people so we didn't mind."


"So the wedding is in a week...we have some questions." Jay's dad says looking at the both of us. "Ask away, Mina's not shy." I nod. "Grandchildren...when should we be expecting grandchildren?" Jay sighs and I laugh lightly. "Oh uh well you know I think after a year or so of marriage would be a great start at looking at having kids. I'm a commission artist so I don't have a taxing job that would stop me from being a stay at home mom. I get enough revenue off album sells and random commissions that I don't have to do much out my home office."

"That's good to hear, I'm glad you two have a plan." Jay smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulder. "We want enjoy each other first before we bring kids into the mix." My dad hums and leans back in his chair. "You know at first I was surprised my daughter picked you but now I see why. You keep her grounded because she's so carefree sometimes you have to hold her down. I think the age gap helps."

"I'm so nervous guys...what if I mess up on my vows like I did yesterday?!" I try to remain calm but my anxiety is getting the best of me. "Mina calm down it's going to be fine. You're going to be married and on your honeymoon by the end of the day. Just breathe." Misoo says assuringly. "Yeah you're marrying Jay, I bet he's going to be so happy to see you looking so beautiful." My friend Chelsea says. "Right and you even got your hair laid just right for today. Just focus on Jay." Kayla says patting my shoulder. "You guys are right...I'm ready now. I hope they aren't too upset I kinda delayed the wedding." "I mean it's been 30 minutes, Jay can wait." Kaira says shrugging. "30 minutes?! Oh no he probably thinks I've changed my mind!" We hear a knock on the door. "Mina baby are you okay in there? Are you feeling okay?"

Chelsea goes to the door. "She's fine, tell them we can get started." "Can I see her? I want to make sure she's okay." Chelsea shakes her head. "You'll see her coming down the aisle."


My dad guides me down the aisle and when Jay sees me he starts tearing up. When we reach the altar my dad gives me away and I join Jay. "You look so beautiful baby..." He whispers and I giggle in response. The officiant begins the ceremony and asks if we'd like to say our vows. "Well I'll go first, Park Jaebeom...I didn't really know what to expect when I first met you because I thought you were a womanizer and a spoiled brat. The more I got to know you however, I learned that you are a hardworking, caring, and motivated guy who never had a real relationship because you were so focused on your career. The more I got to work with you and hang out with you, I started to fall in love with you. I promise that everyday whether we're together or apart I'll let you show you  how much I love you in little ways and big ways because you always make me feel loved. I'm really happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Mina you're the first woman I've ever seen a future with. When we first met during the meeting all I could focus on was how beautiful you were and how serious you were about your craft. You weren't concerned about my looks or my reputation, you were the first woman to treat me like just anybody else. I just had to get to to know you and when I did, I wasn't disappointed. I got to know the funny, charismatic, artistic, beautiful person you are and it doesn't matter if you have a bare face or makeup on because you're always confident in who you are. I promise I'll always support you and our future children. I promise to never take you for granted and continue to show you how deep my love is for you. Mina you are the sun because my life revolves around you and you are the moon because without you my life wouldn't be complete." I try not to cry and ruin my makeup but he's making it really hard.


"You really had me nervous earlier, I thought you were having cold feet." Seonghwa says causing Jay to roll his eyes. "Well she was just having an acute anxiety attack, she was really nervous." Chelsea says matter of factly. "You were? Are you feeling better now?" Jay asks concerned. "I'm fine now, thank you. I'm happy that we're finally married and we can move on to the good stuff like eating. I didn't eat breakfast because I was so nervous and I skipped lunch because my stomach was in knots." Jay kisses my forehead. "My poor baby, well now you can have all your favorites before we cut the cake. Do you have a headache?" I shake my head. "My body is used to this, especially when I'm working on a commission close to a deadline. Enough about me though, let's enjoy each other and tonight. Thank you everyone for supporting us, you all have been a real help." Chelsea gives me a hug. "Anything for my sister. Plus you two are so cute, hey I'm waiting to be an auntie! Don't keep me waiting long." Jay laughs and shrugs. "You have to wait after a year if everything goes to plan. Who knows..." He winks at me and I feel my cheeks warm up.

After we eat I hear our song come on signaling for us to dance. "May I have this dance?" I take Jay's hand and I join him on the dance floor. We sway to the sound of ZAYN singing 'Back To Life'. "Hey baby...I'm sorry I couldn't be there to calm you down earlier from your anxiety attack." I smile up at him and I kiss his cheek. "It's okay, thinking of you got me through it. I felt like if I just made it down the aisle I'd be okay because I'd get to see your face." I see a slight blush creep on his face. "I'm supposed to be comforting you not the other way around. You make 13 years seem like 2 sometimes." I giggle at how cute he is. "Well you know what they say baby, age is just a number ."

A/n: The end guys. Wow that was kinda short and sweet. Now I'm doing Yugyeom next but any suggestions afterwards? Like idk maybe you guys have suggestions. Let me know 🥰

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