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"I can't believe we're graduating together." I scoff playfully at my boyfriend. "I know, I can't believe you're graduating."

"Excuse me? Who was on honor roll and helped you pass chemistry, twice?" I roll my eyes

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"Excuse me? Who was on honor roll and helped you pass chemistry, twice?" I roll my eyes. "I was most definitely joking but you just had to bring that up." He snickers to himself and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry baby, I went too far. I'll take you out tonight to make it up to you." He pecks my lips a couple times before leaving a full kiss. "Alright."

We walk to his car to see all of his friends there. "Hey Hansol we're going to arcade, want to come? You can bring Y/n." He gives me a pleading look and I sigh. "Just go ahead...I'll drive myself home." Without another word He zips off to his friends leaving me alone. I don't even try anymore because they always come first.

I sit on my couch watching kdramas with a big bowl of ice cream

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I sit on my couch watching kdramas with a big bowl of ice cream. "Are you watching those Chinese shows again?" My mom comes in the family room and I groan. "They are Korean dramas mom, not Chinese." She scoffs. "They're all the same to me. Anyway where is that white asian boy? He's usually over here." "Out with his friends." She nods and leaves.

I turn off the tv and carry my ice cream up to my room. I hear my phone blast Body so I know it's my boyfriend. "Hey baby what're you up to?" I close my door and sit on my bed. "Just eating ice cream and watching kdramas." Well I was but now I'm sitting alone in the dark.

"Oh sounds like fun. Look I got this feeling that you weren't necessarily happy about me going out with my I right?" I sigh and eat a scoop of ice cream. "No it's can choose your friends over me." I hear him shuffling around. "Baby you know I love you right?" "Sure I do." I hear him sigh. "Are you really mad? Come outside baby." I get up and look outside my window and see him in his car.

"No I'm good, you can go home."

"Baby if you don't come outside I'll come into that house and drag you out myself." I hang up and tell my mom that I'll be back. I go outside and get into his car.

"So now you're questioning my love for you?" He places a hand on my cheek

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"So now you're questioning my love for you?" He places a hand on my cheek. "I love you and I'm sorry for making you think any different." He leans in and crashes his lips against mine passionately. I melt into his touch easily and place my hands on the back of head to deepen the kiss. A knock on my car door window breaks us apart. His eyes almost pop out of head seeing my dad.

He signals for Hansol to roll down the window. "If you two are going to be making out in your car, please do it so I can't see." I gulp and Hansol looks like he's about to pee his pants. "Y-yes sir." My dad shakes his head and walks away. "I think we should go before your dad comes back." He starts the car and drives off.

The Next Day aka Graduation Day~

"You know college is going to be so much fun, we'll be out of state and more importantly moving in together." I listen to my boyfriend ramble on about college. "All of your friends are staying in state, are you sure you want to leave them all behind?" He smiles. "As long as we're together I'll be okay. You're my best friend anyway."

"Hey whasian boy!" We look to see my dad coming our way

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"Hey whasian boy!" We look to see my dad coming our way. "Are you coming to dinner with us or what?" My dad is a big man and towers over Hansol. "Y-yes sir." My dad smirks. "Yes sir, yes that all you can say? Are you scared of me?" I look at my boyfriend amused. "Y-yes sir." My dad laughs and pats him on the shoulder.

"Ahh I like this kid, keep him around."

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