Jay Park

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"Oh so I'm being petty? Just watch how petty I can be."


"But Jay you've been busy all week. When are you going to spend some time with me?" I pout although he can't see it over the phone. I hear him sigh on the other side of the phone. "Baby I have to work, I'll see you when I get done. I'll take you out if you're patient." "Fine." I hang up and toss my phone on the other side of my bed.

I know dating an idol means that at times they'll be really busy and can't spend the needed time

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I know dating an idol means that at times they'll be really busy and can't spend the needed time...but I still can't help but feel abandoned. I sigh and decide to go for a walk. I throw on my coat and grab my keys. Maybe some air will do me good.

"Hi can I get the mocha chocolate chip frappiccino?" The barista puts in my order knowing me being a regular at this Starbucks. "I got it, do you want your cake pops too?" I nod and go sit at my favorite table. I decide to play candy crush while I wait.

"Hard day?" I look up to see my good friend Kim Jisoo. "Yeah...what are you doing here? I thought you were filming something." He laughs. "My best friend senses were tingling. Want to talk about your hard day?"

After telling him everything he starts trying to cheer me up. "Well at least you didn't stay in the house. I'm glad you're getting some because  it makes it easier for me to take you out." He grabs my hand and drags me out the door and into his car. "Where are we going?" He smiles. "Somewhere fun."

After karaoke and going throughout many different street food markets he drops me back home. "Oh I had so much fun today. Thanks so much!" I kiss him on the check before getting out the car. "No problem, hang in there!"

I wave before going up to my front doorstep to see a very pissed off Jay

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I wave before going up to my front doorstep to see a very pissed off Jay. "Oh hey J—" He gives me a look and steps inside the house after I unlock the door.

Did he just brush past me into my house? I walk inside to see him on the couch on his phone

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Did he just brush past me into my house? I walk inside to see him on the couch on his phone. "So what's up your butt? I greet you and you walk past me like this is your house." He puts his phone away and looks at me. "Why is another guy giving sending you a hand heart? Better question, why were you out with said guy having all the fun in the world? Are you taunting me?"

I roll my eyes at him. "Are you seriously jealous of me having a guy best friend? He was just cheering me up because I was down earlier. He told me to hang in there but now I'm questioning if I should." I take off my shoes and go off to my room. He follows behind me like a lost dog. "Baby I'm sorry, I just jumped to conclusions. I still want to take you out."

I start changing and putting on more comfortable clothes. "Nah I'm good, I just got done having all the fun in the world with Jisoo. I think I better stay in."

"Baby come on, don't you think you're being a little petty? Look I know th—" I raise an eyebrow

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"Baby come on, don't you think you're being a little petty? Look I know th—" I raise an eyebrow. "Oh so I'm being petty? Just watch how petty I can be. Get out my house." His face falls. "You don't mean that."

I point to the door while picking up my phone and going through my instagram feed

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I point to the door while picking up my phone and going through my instagram feed. He sighs and leaves.

The next day I wake you to the sound of Giriboy's Wewantourmoneyback blasting meaning Jay is calling me. I ignore it and go back to sleep because it's relatively early. I hear it again and I put my phone on silent.

In a few hours I wake up for good and get on my phone. I see I have 30 missed calls and 50 missed texts mostly from Jay. I decide to call him back. He picks up right away. "You know you woke me up too early. What is it?" He chuckles on the other side.

"Good morning to you too baby. I called to see if you were in a better mood so I could come over. I'm sorry about yesterday, I'm an ass." I hum in response. "Well it's okay because I love you. I'm sorry too, you can come over but don't you have to work?" "No I took off just for you. I'll be over in like 5 minutes."

After he hangs up I lay back in my bed all smiles.

After he hangs up I lay back in my bed all smiles

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Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now