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A/n : It is definitely that time guys


Today couldn't have gone any worse

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Today couldn't have gone any worse. First my hair didn't come out right...then my makeup just wasn't hitting so I took it off...then I couldn't find the shirt I wanted to wear so I settled for something else...and to top it ALL off...I still have to go to school today. Now I know there are worse situations to be in, I get it honestly I do but if you had your crush in all your classes and he was seeing you like mine is seeing me, you'd want to jump off a cliff too.

"Looking a little plain today huh?" My best friend greets me sitting down in her unassigned assigned seat. "Today is not my day it can't get any worse." I see my crush walk into class with his friends and they stop by my table. "Hey Y/n, I hope your morning is going as beautiful as you are." Hyunjin says making Felix frown. "Oi stop flirting with her, hi Y/n. I like your shirt, very cute...like you." He winks before dragging Hyunjin away from me.

"Is it me or were they flirting with you? And you said it was a bad day, what happens on a good day??" I shake my head

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"Is it me or were they flirting with you? And you said it was a bad day, what happens on a good day??" I shake my head. "I honestly thought I looked a mess but okay. His voice sounds so deep in the morning omg." I whisper the last part and she nods in agreement. "Oh most definitely, if you don't snatch him up I will."


"Dude why are you flirting with Y/n? You know I really like her." Hyunjin shrugs taking out his apron. "Well you need to ask her out then, she's really pretty and a talented cook. Surely someone else is going to try to date her. Her and Madison are the prettiest girls in our class." I look over at their table as the look at the ingredients for the dish we're making in class today. "I hate it when you're right...alright after class I'll ask her out."


Class is over and Y/n is cleaning up her work station. I go over to her table and I start helping cleaning up the materials. "Uh are you free tomorrow night?" She knocks over the measuring cup but catches it before it falls on the floor. "Oh ummm sure, are you having a party or something?" I shake my head. "I was actually thinking that I could take you out to this open mic night at this café. I know you like seeing raw talent." She smiles putting a few stray curls behind her ear. "That sounds really nice, um do I meet you there or?" I feel like face palming myself. "No no I'll pick you up! Is 6:30 alright?" She laughs cutely gathering her things. "Sounds good, I'll text you later after my next class." She starts walking away when I remember that I never gave her my phone number. "Oi! Y/n wait I never gave you my number!" She points behind me at a smirking Hyunjin who waves at her before leaving the classroom with Madison.

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now