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A/n: Wassup lovelies? What's popping? So we're finally here at the finale of Idol University. Don't worry I'll have an epilogue called Idol Family that will be two parts long. I'm going to take requests now since I have inspiration again. It could be an imagine idea or idol you'd like an imagine about. How do you feel about reactions? I have one in mind with BamBam but let's get on with it. Comment and vote!

4 years later~


"So who would like to tell me why I'm in the principal office again this week?" I look at my adorable twins who shrug. "It's not our fault mommy, Hani colored on my picture so Ryu bit her." I sigh and shake my head. "I thought we talked about this Ryu, no biting Hani no matter how much she deserves it. If she bothers you again I'll have to talk to her parents. It's getting to be annoying at this rate. Let's go, I have to meet BaBa for lunch." I sign them out of school and take them with me. When we arrive at the restaurant Jackson frowns. "Why are the twins out of school? Did they get in trouble?" I sigh and they just smile innocently. "None that they can help, Hani keeps bothering them. I say we switch schools and they go to elementary school that's connected to Idol High." Jackson makes room for Sake on his side of the booth. "It's worth considering, we both teach on campus so it's doable. I just thought we'd have a kidless lunch so we could discuss anniversary plans but we can do it later, are you two hungry?"

The nod enthusiastically. "Baby Dragon hungry!" I laugh to myself as I share the menu with Ryu. "You two should eat light, you have swimming practice later and you don't want to cramp up." They get their favorite thing ...bimbimbap. After we finish eating I tell the twins to go meet me at the door. "Babe I'm really concerned about their development. They need to switch schools. I'm going to make some calls." I kiss him making sure the twins aren't paying attention. "Okay great, I'll talk to Kayla about Hani." He smiles down at me and kisses me. "BaBa! Stop kissing mommy!" Sake says frowning. "EWWW BABA!" Ryu turns away making gagging sounds.

"See you later baby. And as for you two I can kiss your mommy as much as I want, that's why I married her. Do well in swimming!" The bow towards their father before we leave.


Later that night...

"Hey so I called to talk to you about Hani ...she's always being mean to Sakura and rude to Ryu. They're starting to not want her to be around them." I hear Kayla sigh. "She's so bad I know. It's Mark's fault, he doesn't think she deserves spankings but you know what she's getting one tonight. I've had to go up to that school three times this week for her and I'm sick of it! My mom beat me and I turned out just fine so guess who's getting a beating? Hani is!" I try to hold in my laughter. "Well yeah it can be hard to spank them at first but sometimes you gotta do what you have to do." "Girl I'm so close to sending her to a boarding school for bad kids. I gotta go, get spanking is calling me."

Well that takes care of that. I sigh in content as I grab my song book and settle in the bed. Jackson comes out the bathroom wrapped in a towel with steam curtaining behind him. "So how'd it go?" "Hani is about to get the spanking she won't forget." He raises an eyebrow. "From who? Kayla?" I nod. "Yep and hopefully she'll leave our babies alone from now on." He chuckles as he towel dries his hair. "Well good...you look really cute tonight." I raise my eyebrows. "Me? Nooooo...really?" He smiles. "Yes you my sexy wife. I was thinking that we could finally go back to Macao for our anniversary. It's been 6 years and I think it's time." "Seunie you're making me blush. But...I agree, the kids are older and our dogs are also older. Do you think we let them stay over Jinyoung's for the week or maybe we can send them to your parents house."

"Jinyoung's house...my parents will want to know if we're having more kids. Unless you want another baby..." I glance over at him and purse my lips. "Well I think three kids is my limit...." He adjust his towel. "Well then maybe we should get started."

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now