Suga vs Giriboy Part 2.5

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Alternative Ending~

I open the door and step outside seeing Yoongi for the first time in three weeks. I raise an eyebrow at him waiting for him to speak. "It's nice to see your face after so long...that's not why I'm here though. Y/n I can't sleep without hearing your voice at night. I can't think straight because all my thoughts lead to you. I get jealous when I see you with him because you're happier when you're not with me. I guess I'm just weak for you because I can't live without you."

I sigh and close my eyes. "Yoongi...I..." I huff and try to stop the tears from falling down my face but they fall anyway. "I've waited three years...three years and you still can't say it. All of what you said is meaningless if you don't love me. I might be fool for giving you might heart just for you to play with it but I won't be anymore. I can't do this anymore...I'm—"

"I do love you and I know I messed up but I—"
I hold up my hand my hand. "That's all I've ever wanted hear." I smile a little bit at hearing his words. "Y/n I love you so much it hurts. I don't even care I'm not the only one who has your heart anymore I just want you by my side." He takes my hands and kisses them. "I'm never letting you leave my side again."

The End...

"So who wants to bet they won't get back together?"

—A/nI'm not drawing it out like the last ending because Mino is waiting and he needs his day in the sun ☀️

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I'm not drawing it out like the last ending because Mino is waiting and he needs his day in the sun ☀️. So don't cry lovelies 💕

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