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A/n: Okay so I had this weird dream the other night and I have only dreamt about dating Baekhyun twice and this is the second time. Wild but eh it's not a series. I'm actually writing and editing three drafts rn so please bare with me.

"Miss A can you go get those papers from the copier? Their next assignment is in there." I bow to the head teacher and run off to the copy room. I love working at this school, it's my first time in Seoul teaching so I'm really excited about the opportunity. I get the copies out the machine and I bump into an unfamiliar face. "Oh 미안해요, I didn't see you." I bow and he looks at me and bows smirking. "No it's my bad, I bumped into you. I'm new around here so maybe later you can show me around?" I notice how attractive he is but I have a boyfriend. "Sure maybe maybe later...I have to get back to class."


I grab my lunch and I eat outside because the weather is so nice. "May I sit here?" I look to see my boyfriend Hansol smiling. "Oh so now you have time for me? What do I owe this honor?" He sits down and takes my hand. "Aww baby don't be like that, I know we haven't had a date in awhile or seen each other but I've been busy." I raise an eyebrow. "Too busy hanging out with your friends you mean? Yeah that's so assuring that that's what keeps you from spending time with me. Also another thing, haven't had a date in awhile is an understatement. We haven't had a date in oh I don't know three months."

He winces hearing what I have to say. "I see why you're upset but baby I'm here now. Maybe we can do something together now?" I shake my head and take my hand back. "If you haven't noticed I'm at work...I think we need a break from each other. Clearly that's what we both need so you can get your priorities straight and I can stop crying over you." He pouts slightly. "Baby we don't need a break...I promise I'll do better! Please just let me make it up to you...I love you." I sigh and turn away from him. "The last time you said that you forgot we had a date and I waited at the park for you with a picnic basket for 2 hours. Do you know that it's been like this, you promise to do better and then you show me you haven't changed. Time away is probably best right now....great now my lunch is over and I've barely eaten anything. Goodbye Hansol."

I ignore his calls as I go back into the school building. "Hey I didn't catch your name earlier, I think it's only fair since I shared mine." I look and see Baekhyun smiling down at me. "It's Mina but you know most people here call me Miss A." We continue walking together as I hear whispers from other female staff. "You seem to have gained yourself a fan base huh?" He shrugs and takes my hand in his. "That's okay, I'm only worried about you. Can you be my girlfriend? I don't like the attention from these other women." I think to myself 'well life can't get any worse' so I nod. "Why not?" He leans down and kisses my forehead. "Okay 자지야, let's get you back to class.


Baekhyun has been really fun and a great boyfriend. We've been together for two months now and I've forgotten all about Hansol. We're heading out of work, laughing about something that happened in our morning staff meeting. "Mr.Kim was so mad when Yoongi sunbae fell asleep during the announcements! He threw water on him." He wipes the tears from his eyes. "I'm glad you bought us that coffee now, that could've been us." We continue laughing as we get to his car. "Mina! Wait!" We turn to see Hansol running towards us. His clothes are disheveled and his hair is messy. Baekhyun raises an eyebrow.

"Is this the guy who didn't appreciate you?" I sigh and nod. "Oh hey I'm Baekhyun her boyfriend. We actually are heading off to a date if you don't mind." Hansol looks disappointed. "Mina I just wanted to tell that I miss you and I just wanted another chance...but I see you look so happy with him so I'll go. Enjoy your date..." He turns away and I look at Baekhyun. "Are you okay jagi?" I nod smiling softly. "I'm okay...I'm also excited for this surprise place we're going on our date. We usually have a movie night at your place because of my roommate's schedule." He kisses my forehead and opens my car door. "Well this is a place I frequent, I think you'll like it."

I raise an eyebrow when he joins me in the car. "You frequent somewhere other than work and home? Wow this place must be great."


We walk into this really nice café that features a piano on it's stage area and nicely dressed tables and booths. He guides me to the booth close to the piano. "Welcome Mr. Byun! It's been awhile, will you grace us with your lovely piano skills?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Oh thank you Mr.Park...I'm on a date tonight so I'm not sure. Where's Henry?" Mr.Park sighs. "He's still on vacation, we've been slow with no entertainment. Oh but don't worry, enjoy your date. She seems like a lovely young woman." He bows slightly before walking away.

"You're full of surprises Bacon, you should at least play one song. I'll even sing to accompany you." He raises an eyebrow. "You can sing?! Oh wow well okay...any requests?" He takes a seat on the piano bench and I take a deep breath as I approach the microphone. "안녕하세요 내 이름인 Mina 합니다. I'm going to sing a song...hopefully I don't mess it up." The melody of To Die For by Sam Smith starts and I look at the out to the small crowd that's starting to gather.

"I look for you, everyday, every night. I close my eyes, from the fear, from the light. As I wander down the avenue, so confused, guess I'll try to force a smile. Pink lemonade sippin on a Sunday, couples holding hands on a runway. They're all posing for a picture frame whilst my world's crashing down. Solo shadow on a sidewalk, just want somebody to die for. Sunshine living on the perfect day while my world's crashing down. I just want somebody to die for."

Baekhyun smiles at me and joins me on the second verse and the small crowd has gotten bigger. When the song ends we hear an applause ring out through the café. "Wowww they loved us...haha I love us too." He beams and I return his smile. "Wow do you get this response when you perform normally?" He shrugs. "I think they are more interested in the both of us. We're very attractive together." I roll my eyes playfully. "Oh Baekhyun you're killing me." We return to our booth and pick up our menus. "Hi I'm Jimin, Mr.Park's son. We want to thank you by covering your meal this evening. It's on us, enjoy!" He smiles cutely as he bows. "Oh we were really just playing around, but thank you Jimin. You have a lovely smile, keep smiling." He smiles wider before attending to other guests. "Is my smile cute?" Baekhyun asks pouting slightly. "Of course Bacon, I love your smile. It's one of the reasons I like you so much." He smirks slyly. "You know I am older than you, you should be calling me something else." I raise an eyebrow but I decide to play along. "Oh I'm sorry Bacon sunbaenim it won't happen again." He takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. "I was thinking more like 오빠..."


We sit in front of the school principal holding an envelope. "I hope this isn't a letter of resignation...I could give you a raise but I'll have to promote you." I look at Baekhyun who's smiling mischievously. "No Mr.Min I-" "We're here to give you an invitation to our wedding in June. Please RSVP by the end of the month." Yoongi looks at us surprised. "You two are engaged? Wow I thought you two just started dating." Baekhyun shrugs handing him the envelope. "Well I love her and she loves me. Quite simple but her dad told me to propose when the moment is right." Yoongi raises an eyebrow. "You've been together less than a year...well congratulations! I'm happy for you both...Mina my offer still stands. How about I promote you to your own classroom?" I smile appreciatively. "Oh I'd be honored, thank you Mr.Min!"

"What did I tell you? Call me Yoongi, we literally hang out on the weekends." I shrug. "I'm trying to be professional but whatever Yoongi. Movie night is Saturday so be there alright?" He rolls his eyes. "Yeah yeah I'll be there. Make that meat I like so much!"


"...this is the place Bacon, I want to live here."

A/n : Heyyyyy so how was it? It's weird I do love Baekhyun though. Thoughts? Mina and Baekhyun or Mina and Jackson?

Kpop/Khip-hop  Interracial Imagines  *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now