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This is based on life. It's really relatable so here we go. But enjoy 😊. It's also kinda short but I have another one coming soon.



"Hey Y/n what's up?" I walk into my job with an attitude so I don't respond. I go clock in before I'm late. "Girl what's wrong with you?" My best friend Shay says as I angrily put on some lipstick. "My period came this morning and I'm not happy Shay, not happy." She chuckles as she leans against the wall. "I can see, you said it twice. Well why don't you sit in the office today and not deal with customers."

"Thanks girl, if you need me call me but don't need me

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"Thanks girl, if you need me call me but don't need me." She rolls her eyes and throws me a snickers before she leaves.


After work I decide to call my husband who should be home. "Hey baby what's up?" I sigh feeling hungry.

"Are you home? If so can you start cooking? I'm starving."

"Why don't you come home and I'll take you out and you can get whatever you want on the menu?"

My ears perk up. "Sounds like a plan, I'll

be there in 5." I hang up and accelerate home. When I get there he already is waiting with his car's passenger side open. "Hey baby how was your day?"

"No comment but my cherry colored friend arrived this morning so I'll let you imagine how it was

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"No comment but my cherry colored friend arrived this morning so I'll let you imagine how it was." I pat his shoulder as I climb into the car.

"So what would you like to eat?" "I'm not feeling anything in particular but pick something quick because I'm not me when I'm hungry." He laughs nervously. "Private restaurant it is."


"Hello would you like any appetizers?" I put down my menu. "Look Jeff I know what I want and I'm going to need you to tell the chef I'm not about waiting tonight. I want my usual but it better have extra pesto and the cherry tomatoes better be fresh. Also my champagne hasn't come out and we've already been here for 30 minutes! What do you want baby?" I peep over at Jackson who seems to be enjoying himself.

 Also my champagne hasn't come out and we've already been here for 30 minutes! What do you want baby?" I peep over at Jackson who seems to be enjoying himself

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"Uh I'll have my usual as well but Jeff I'd hurry on the champagne for sure, she likes her alcohol before her food. Also I want the artichoke fritters for an appetizer, done well. Thank you." Jeff hurries off to the kitchen almost tripping on the way. "It's hard to find good staff these days, incompetence at its best." I roll my eyes but Jackson just places his hand over mine. "Don't worry, your food will be out soon and you'll feel better."

A few moments later our food is placed in front of us along with our champagne. Jeff pours our glasses nervously before running off. "I feel kinda bad, he's scared to come back to our table." Jackson smiles and points to his food. "Well I think this food makes up for it. Here jagi try it, say ahhhh." These are the times I cherish with him and why I love him so much!

Hey lovelies did you miss me? Well I'm back and I have another imagine coming out this week! Soooo vote on who!




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