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I am furious. He's late again after he promised me he wouldn't be late for our date again. My boyfriend Yoongi has been working late at the studio for the past two months and he promised he wouldn't stand me up again.

The waitress gives me a sympathetic look when she comes back to the table. "Can I take a check?" She nods and brings me back the bill. I slam the money on the table and leave. When I get home I take off all my makeup and put my hair up in a messy bun. I change from my evening dress to a t-shirt and sweatpants.

I put on my music and blast Firetruck by NCT. I don't even want to talk to him or see Yoongi right now. I make myself a bowl of ice cream and listen to my Kpop playlist. A BTS song comes on and I turn my music off. I don't even want to hear his music. After I finish my ice cream I hear a knock on my door. Knowing who it is I ignore it.

My phone vibrates on the table and Yoongi's face pops. I roll my eyes and let it go to voicemail. I look at the clock and see that it's basically midnight so I decide I'm going to bed. My phone goes off five more times before it stops completely. I sigh in relief before getting into bed. I put my phone on the charger and put it on do not disturb.

In the morning when I wake up I check my notifications. Yoongi has blown up my phone with calls and texts.  I leave him on read and get out of bed to do my morning routine. After I get out my shower I hear a knock on my door. I roll my eyes and put on a robe.

I look through the peephole and see Yoongi. I roll my eyes again and shake my head. I'm still mad at him so I don't answer the door. "Y/n I know you're in there! I don't even know why you're mad at me, just let me in!" I scoff. Not only did he stand me up but he forgot about the date all together.

I open the door fuming. He looks at me nervously once he sees my face. "So you not only stand me up last night but you even forgot we had a date?!" He flinches at my words and I don't care. "Y/n look I'm —" I hold up my hand. "I don't want to hear it. I'm done." He looks shocked and then angry. "What do you mean done? Are you breaking up with me?!"

I love him but this neglect is getting to me. "Yoongi I love you but you're never around anymore. I understand your job but you never have time for me. I feel like our relationship is always neglected and I pay the price every time. I'm sorry but you should go." His face falls and I close the door before I see anything else.

He bangs on the door and calls for me to come back. "Y/n come back! I-I...we can work this out! Please don't do this to me!" He continues for an hour before giving up. They only thing he didn't tell me was he loved me. It hurt but what can I do?

1 Month Later

Suga's POV

I've been working hard in the studio only eating when necessary. Y/n has been ignoring me and it breaks my heart. I never knew she felt neglected although I did overwork myself. I didn't pay her much attention and I wish I did. Now all I can do is wallow in my self guilt.

"You need to get her back. Yoongi you look a mess and you can't keep this up." Jhope leans against the door looking at me with pity. "Even if I wanted to she'll never take me back. She hates me and probably moved on."
He shakes his head. "I've talked to her, all you need to do is show her you love her. She misses you and is hurting. She won't even leave her house to hang out anymore. Fix this, I'm tired of tiptoeing around her feelings when mentioning you."

I got to get here back, no matter what.


"Hobi I don't think I can, are you sure he's fine with me being there?" Jhope is trying to convince me to come over to the dorms. "He's not even here Y/n, he's at the studio." I roll my eyes. "Isn't he always. Alright I'll come." I hear him squeal in delight and hang up.

I decide to stop looking like a bum like I have for the past month. I take my hair down and straighten it. I put on a light face of makeup before putting on a simple t-shirt dress and sandals. I grab my keys and head over to the dorms.

I text Jhope I'm outside and wait at the door. The door opens while I'm still looking at my phone. "Hobi you can't make fun of me for looking like a bum because I dressed up ..." I look up and instead of Jhope I see Yoongi. My mouth drops and I tense up. "Uh hi Y/n..." He waves and I scoff. "Yoongi...I thought you were at the studio?"

"I was, I just got home. Jhope went to the store to buy ice cream." I purse my lips. "Oh well...I'll just wait in my car—" He pulls me into the dorm before I could finish my sentence. "Yoongi what are y—" His lips crash onto mine and I stand there in shock. "Y/n I'm sorry if I made you feel neglected but I need you. You are one of the only things that make me happy. I...I love you Y/n."

That's what I've been wanting to hear. "I love you too. You never show your feelings, I just want to know how you feel." He smiles and hugs me. "I'm sorry, I'm going to express myself more and make time for you. Please take me back Y/n." I hug him back. "Okay Yoongi. I'll take you back...if you promise to make up our date."  He laughs and nods. "Still on that date...I can do that."

"Y/n I got the ice cream, tissues, and RomComs for days. We're going to get over Yoongi together!" Jhope comes in and almost drops all the bags. "You two are back together?! What am I going to do with all this stuff?!" I laugh and Yoongi rolls his eyes. "We can still use it Hobi. I'll eat ice cream and watch movies with you any day." He smiles and drags me over to the couch. "Bye Yoongi hyung, we got movies to watch and ice cream to eat. There's only enough for the two of us!" I laugh as Yoongi shrugs and goes to his room.

"So what do we watch first?"


I hope you like it. Comment requests and make sure to read my story Songbird👌🏾✌🏾

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