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Alright so I have been waiting to do this forever but I finally got the inspiration to write one with him (and all the appropriate memes) so I hope you all like it😊.


Today like any other day I'm chilling with my group of friends. We're talking about where we're going after graduation and what our parties are going to be like. "Yo my party is going to be lit! Remember it's formal so your dress better be on another level than prom!" While Chey was getting all excited about her party, I was getting excited about having the perfect view of my crush Hyungwon.

"Earth to Y/n are you listening? No you're too busy having heart eyes for that Asian guy." Yanni and Chloe sat quietly waiting for my response. "He has a name you know and I'm sorry for not paying attention. You were saying?" She rolls her eyes. "Like I was say girls..." I drowned her out again catching Hyungwon giving Hoseok a look.


"You have to ask her out I said

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"You have to ask her out I said." This boy needs to seriously get real, Y/n is off limits for Shownu. "Do you think she'll say yes? I'm not sure she even likes me." I shake my head. "Hyungwon-ah you got something to say?"

"Yeah I do, she's off limits Hyunwoo. You all know I like her." They all look at me surprised. "Is that how you talk to your hyung?" I roll my eyes at them. Are they really worried about me being respectful when they are disrespecting me? Give me a break.

"In case you're wondering she likes me, not you. Why would she like a playboy like you anyways?" The others smirk and Shownu scoffs. "Wow...he fell for that quicker than I thought. Now if you like her so much you go ask her out?"

"Is this some reverse psychology to make me feel the urge to have to ask her out because

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"Is this some reverse psychology to make me feel the urge to have to ask her out because...it worked." I get up and walk over to her table.


"Hey...Y/n that dude is coming over here." I turn and look to see Chloe was right. Hyungwon was standing in front of me. "Excuse me ladies but do you mind if I borrow your friend for the rest of lunch?" The girls all have this lol on their faces while encouraging him to go ahead.

 "Excuse me ladies but do you mind if I borrow your friend for the rest of lunch?" The girls all have this lol on their faces while encouraging him to go ahead

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He takes their word for it and pulls me along to the courtyard outside while hearing cheers from both of our friends

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He takes their word for it and pulls me along to the courtyard outside while hearing cheers from both of our friends. When we finally stop he turns towards me and smiles.

"Y/n you probably know what this is about because we've been avoiding talking about it...but I'm not waiting anymore." I do know what he's talking about, I knew that our feelings were mutual because I confessed on Valentines Day thanks to Chey.

"I don't want to the person you love from afar anymore, I want to be right by your side. Shownu made me realize I don't want any other guy talking to you. I love you Y/n so...will you be my girlfriend?" I smile brightly and hug him.

"Of course you dummy!" I lean up and connect our lips together. He responds almost immediately and leans down to deepen the kiss.

Later at Hyungwon's house~


"So did you do it?" Hoseok was smirking when we were chilling by my pool. "You already know the answer because I know for a fact you were all watching when we kissed in the courtyard perverts."

"Why does that make us perverts? Anyway congrats on finally doing what you should have done months ago

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"Why does that make us perverts? Anyway congrats on finally doing what you should have done months ago." Jooheon says patting me on the back. "Thanks I guess..."

"So do you think Y/n could hook me up with Chey because that's my bae." I look at Shownu and scoff. "I'm not asking my girlfriend to matchmake for you. Ask her out yourself." He rolls his eyes at me.

My phone rings and I see Y/n's face pop up on the screen. "Hi jagi what's up?"

 "Hi jagi what's up?"

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