Suga Pt.2

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It's been three days since I saw Yoongi at Starbucks. I haven't been back because I'm afraid of running into him again. "Scared of the hot guy down the hall?"

Alana comes into view with eating popcorn. "Don't judge, I'm hungry and...this is hilarious." I groan and flop on the couch. She's usual.

I decide to go to Starbucks anyway because no one is stopping me (besides funds at times). I put on my beloved converse and grab my bomber jacket.

"I'm going out...don't wait up." Alana raises an eyebrow. "It's 10 o'clock am dude, I'm already up." I shake my head as I walk out the door.

I press the down button for the elevator and wait. I hear a door open and close with footsteps coming near not too far behind. "Hi Sage."

I almost choke because of how smooth he is. I take in his appearance slowly. His once beautiful gray hair is now blonde(he's still hot), his choice of black ripped jeans with a matching black shirt, and...that sweet smile on his sculpted by God himself face.

"Oh hey there Yoongi ...liking that book?" I mentally facepalm myself at my choice of words. He chuckles and nods. "It's amazing actually...I finished it the day you gave it to me. I haven't seen you at Starbucks lately, I wanted to return it." The elevator dings open and we step inside.

"Oh that...yeah I've just been busy lately working on my photography." He smiles cutely at me. "Jinja? I've been working on my photography too. Maybe we could collaborate on something together..." My heart just about beats out of my chest.

"S-sure that sounds nice." The elevator hits the first floor and we walk out. "Are you heading to Starbucks?" I'm surprised he's still talking to me. "Uh yeah, are you?" He nods and holds the front door open for me. We walk in a comfortable silence down the street. He holds the door for me again, what a gentleman.

I step inside and the barista nods at me and starts making my order. "You must be a regular here." I nod and sit at my usual table. "I came here a lot after my ex boyfriend cheated on me. Coffee healed my soul." He frowns slightly at the words ex boyfriend. "He must be an idiot to ever cheat on you. People like that make me sick."

I simply nod not having much to say about him. "What's his name? I'll find him and —" "Sage?!" I look behind Yoongi and see the person who broke my heart, the person who I once loved, Jaebum.

He looked handsome as ever, even if he was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and black jeans. "So how have you been?" I shrug. "Oh good...without you of course." I fake smile and Yoongi starts connecting the dots. "Who's this? Is this who you replaced me with?" Jaebum scoffs and Yoongi smirks.

"Jagi is he bothering you? We can take our coffee to go." I almost lose my composure when he calls me jagi.

"Oh no he's just leaving, right?" I look at Jaebum to see him wielding a shocked expression. "Sage I just hope he treats you right...I'm sorry I didn't but enjoy yourself." He smiles before walking away from us.

It gets a little awkward between Yoongi and I. "So that's the guy who broke your heart?" I nod almost internally begging the barista make my coffee faster. Yoongi purses his lips seemingly in disapproval.

"Sorry, I called you jagi...I didn't want some other guy bothering you." Was he perhaps...nah couldn't be. "It's fine, I appreciated it." He smiles as our orders are called.


"That was fun, we should do that again sometime." Yoongi smiles as he drops me off to my door. "Yeah and sorry for my ex dropping was awkward." He laughs a bit shaking his head. "I'm glad he made me realize that I don't want another guy bothering you."

I laugh nervously at his comment. "Maybe I'll stop by later to give yo back your book." I smile at that. "Yeah, I'd like that..." He leans forward and kisses my forehead. "See you later jagiya."

I walk inside my apartment almost breathless. Alana is standing there smirking. "So you're his jagiya now? Huh, that was fast." I roll my eyes playfully. "Oh shut up."

Hey peeps, I might make this an actual story. Comment and vote. Thanks and if you have any request I'm working on one right now. Thanks again for actually reading this😂👌🏾✌🏾👋🏾

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