Idol University

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A/n: Okay so woww Idol High was more successful than I thought it would be! Thank you for your support for my dreams. Now a popular demand is for my friends to pop up more and I can do in crackheadery7 that is. Another thing that was in high demand are different idols popping up throughout the "chapter" and that can be arranged. I condense a lot because I don't want to take away from the story. Lastly in high demand is more of Jackson's POV so wishes granted! Enjoy a different rollercoaster🤡 this backtracks from the epilogue a month before the doctor appointment when school starts.


I snooze my alarm for the 4th time and Jackson finally takes actions into his own hands. "Baby you need to get up and have breakfast, we have to settle into our new dorm today and you don't want to be nauseous in front of everybody." He starts kissing all over my face and I giggle because it tickles. "Jacksoooooon stooooooop! You're killing meeeee...I'll get up but we're buying breakfast because I got up late." I glance over him and he's already dressed making me pout. "Of course you're already dressed, give me 20 minutes." He chuckles and sits on the loveseat. "Yeah more like 45 minutes, it takes you about 20 to do your skincare routine alone and about 20 minutes on your hair and makeup leaving you 5 to get dressed. You do this everyday baby I know the schedule." I get out the bed realizing that my husband is too good at this for his own good.

I finished my skincare routine and now I'm doing my makeup. "Hey baby why do you always do your eyebrows first? Why not eyeshadow or foundation?" I laugh to myself as I touch up my eyebrows. "That's because ...well it's just how I've always done it plus I only wear foundation when I'm performing it's not a everyday thing. I do brows, eyes, blush, highlight, and lip gloss." He nods and I complete my nude makeup while I'm talking. "Okay and I'll take down my flexirods...I'll be dressed in 5." I run to the closet and I pick a Fendi dress and my doc martens. "Wow 5 minutes ahead schedule, a new record." He pecks my lips and grabs my waist. "Let's get you some breakfast....and you guys some breakfast. Good morning babies." He bends down and kisses my stomach.


We get some breakfast from the café and sit down. "So when are we going to tell everyone about the seeds?" I cover my mouth trying not to laugh. "The seeds...oh well after we get passed the first trimester. I mean we have to be careful." I eat my Greek yogurt parfait happily. "You're your appointment is next month so we have to keep you on a balanced diet. Eat your omelette too and have some of my pancakes!" He holds a forkful of pancake towards my mouth and I eat it to make him happy. "Mmm delicious...thanks baby." He smiles and sips his coffee. "No caffeine for you but don't worry I ordered you a decaf coffee." He hands it to me and I groan. "I want regular coffee."

After we finish in the café, we check our room assignments. "I talked to the dean and they said we can share a room but we'll still have dorm mates. We have...BamBam and..." He looks at me. "Why is Joshua on the list? Why not YangYang?" I shrug. "I'm okay with Joshua, we're friends." He sighs annoyed. "But isn't he your bias?" I laugh and shake my head. "No, he's just a bias wrecker. Minghao is my bias." "Wait Minghao is your bias? Oh well then nevermind. Let's go see if our stuff was moved into our dorm."

We walk inside to see BamBam in his phone. "Bammie!" He looks up and smiles jumping up. "Mina me!!" He runs up and hugs me. "I haven't seen you since the pool party last month! I missed you!" He pulls something out his pocket. "I got you this for doing well in promotions." He hands a box and it has a a necklace that has a panda riding a dragon. "Wow this is so pretty! Thank you Bammie! I got you something too." I take out a painting from my book bag. "It's a painting of you with your cats, I finished it last week."


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