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A/n : Who do you think was talking on the phone at the end of the last part? Will it be revealed? Idk but we've got a wedding to talk about, enjoy! Also I'll be skipping to the last day of the honeymoon and then it'll be an interview. It will have an epilogue because this is the last part of Idol High. I was going to do a 9th part but I decided against it. Remember to comment. Also the epilogue is 4 months after the wedding which takes place in March. Alright here we go!


It's the night before our wedding and I'm having a sleepover off campus with the girls. Jackson went to the lounge with the boys. "So Mina are you nervous at all?" I shake my head as I apply my face mask. "Well no because technically we're already married on paper, he's already mine." Cam shrugs as she puts her hair up. "Sure but aren't people going to be streaming it too? Are comments enabled?" I grab a milkis out the mini fridge. "No commenting enabled because our families are in town. What movie are we watching?" Chungha switches to My Neighbor Totoro and smiles. "What kinda night would it be without your favorite animes?"

During the movie I get a call from Jackson. "Jackson? Aren't you supposed to be with the boys?" I hear him sigh. "Yeah I am...they're sending the stripper home." I laugh to myself because I'm sure I heard him wrong. "A stripper? They want me to go to jail tonight. You're in the lounge right?" I hear laughing in the background and I realize it's a joke. "Calm down baby it was just a dare, I'll see you tomorrow at the alter okay?" I playfully roll my eyes. "Yeah and you better prepare those crackheads for the beating they'll receive after we get back from our honeymoon. Goodnight I love you!" He chuckles. "And I love you, goodnight baby." After I hang up the girls look at me. "What?"

"Did I hear something about a stripper?" Cam raises her eyebrow. "Oh it was a false alarm believe me I'd be on them like white on rice if there really was one." Sunmi shrugs. "I believe it, remember when BamBam mentioned it at the rehearsal dinner?" Chelsea my already married best friend shakes her head. "She threw the look at him, that stare could kill." I get up and wash the face mask off and continue with my skincare routine. "We have an early day tomorrow so we should probably get some rest ...it's already 2 am."


I take a deep breath as I look in the mirror. This is it...I'm really marrying Jackson. My mom is starting to tear up again when my dad knocks on the door. "There's my beautiful daughter! Are you ready for me to give you away?" I smile and I try to keep myself calm. "Oh daddy, I'll always be your daughter." We link arms and I hear the music playing signaling it's time for me to walk down the aisle.

As I approach I can see Jackson standing at the altar and when he sees me he smiles. He starts to tear up and I see him continuously wiping his eyes. When we get to the altar my dad sheds a tear as he kisses my forehead before letting me go. I join Jackson holding his hands. It soon comes time for us to say our vows. "May I go first?" The officiant nods. "Wow my palms must be sweating I'm sorry..." Jackson brings our hands up and he kisses my hands. "It's okay, keep going."

"Jackson I can't believe I get to marry you today in front of all of our family and friends. Today we are no longer two separate individuals but one...and that's so awesome. You're the man I want to be with for the rest of my life. I want to support you and be your number one fan and cherish every moment that we spend together. I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep our love eternal. I promise that even if I have a hectic schedule to always make time for you and our family. I-I love you Jackson Wang and I always will!" He wipes my tears and then wipes his own.

"That was so beautiful baby, everything about you is beautiful. From the very first time I saw you I fell in love with you. I knew you were nervous because you knew so much about me but I just wanted to get to know you more. Today we have two wonderful dogs and hopefully in the future our children turn out just as amazing as you. I promise that I will always put you first no matter what. You're my ultimate bias and will always be for the rest of my life. Without you I wouldn't be complete and I want to be with you forever. I love you Mina Diamond and I will until I die!"

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