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"And that's a wrap guys, good job." I smile as I wipe away my fake tears. I've been invited to star in this new KDrama called Hidden Love. It's about a foreigner falling in love with this guy who's a rich spoiled brat and his family disapproves.  It reminds me of my current situation so it doesn't feel like acting necessarily.

I wave goodbye to my costar as I walk into my dressing room. "Hi Jagi, I've missed you!!!" I jump to see my boyfriend Hoseok with a bouquet of my favorite flowers. "Hobi, what are you doing here?! I thought you said you were in America on tour..." He laughs and shakes his head. "I wanted to surprise you, you never tell me when you're free so I just showed up hoping you weren't so busy." I smile and take the flowers from him. "Aww you're so sweet. I was actually about to go surprise you in America but you're here." He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead. "I saw you looking good out there on set and could hardly contain myself. I saw you crying and almost cried myself!" He's so dramatic.

We go and hop into my car. "So where do you want to go? I'm up for anything." Hobi is jumping up and down in his seat all excited. He quickly kisses me leaving me flustered while he answers my question. "Let's go to your place, I want to spend some alone time with you." I smile and start heading to my house. He's so sweet. The whole ride there he just goes on and on about his tour but I don't mind. I like seeing him happy even if it's not with me. His parents aren't particularly enthused by me.

We arrived at my lovely abode and go inside. I'm so tired from filming, I hope this opens up more opportunities to act here in Korea. "Jagiya, are you okay? You seem distracted." I smile and brush off whatever I'm feeling aside. "I'm fine, just a little tired from filming.  Are you hungry, I can make something? I know you wanted to try some more American cooking." He smiles back and hugs me. "That sounds great! Can I watch?!" I giggle at his cuteness. "Of course you can watch, I love it when you watch me cook."

I go on seasoning the chicken before I put it in the batter before I fry it. My dad is a chef so I learned how to cook really young. Food is the way to a man's heart. "Jagi are you just making the chicken?" I shake my head while I'm concentrating. "No, I'm also making waffles. You've never had chicken and waffles so I decided to make you some." He smiles but our moment is interrupted by his phone ringing. "I'll go take this, I'll be right back."

He goes into the other room to take the call. I wonder who it may be...probably his parents wondering what he's doing and if he's with me. I hear yelling coming from outside the kitchen and I start to get worried. "Hobi are you okay out there?" "Ne." I continue to fry the chicken and start the batter for the waffles.

Hoseok comes back into the kitchen looking upset. "Y/n-ssi ....do you love me?" I pause what I'm doing and look at him. He looks like he is about to cry. "Ne, of course I do. Why—" He cuts me off by hugging me. "Mianhe. My parents really don't like us together. No matter how much I try, they just won't accept us together." I feel my neck getting wet. I pat his back and sigh. I know that this distresses him. "Look at me," He looks at me with a wet face. I wipe his tears. "Jagiya, I love you and I'm not letting go of you. We are together and happy. Even when we are apart, I'm the happiest girl alive. So, don't cry Hobi, everything will work out." I kiss his cheek and I move the chicken off the stove because I never burn chicken. I check it to see it's done perfectly so I turn on the waffle maker.

"Jagiya, you always know what to say. Your smile alone makes me feel better and I wish my parents could see that." I smile as I bring him into a hug. "They will one day, but for now let's make waffles!" He laughs and helps me make waffles.

Hobi helps me set the table for our dinner. He even lights a candle because he says it's romantic, this boy. We sit down across from each other and eat. Well, I was eating. He just watches me smiling which causes me to smile. "Wo, is there something on my face?" He laughs and shakes his head. "Aniyo, I just think your cute. This is nice, I wish everyday was like this. I love spending time with you." "Nado, I love spending time with my oppa." He takes my hand in his.

We spend the rest of the night catching up and laughing. We're laying in the grass looking at the stars. "Jagi, do you think that we'll be like this forever, forever in love?" I look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Are you trying to get rid of me?" He laughs and turns to look at me. "Aniyo, I just want to spend the rest of my life with you. You make me happy and I want to make you just as happy." I smile and playfully roll my eyes. "Pabo you already make me happy. If you didn't, I would leave you in a heartbeat." He takes my hands in his. "Then marry me, marry me and we can be happy forever."

He pulls out a ring and presents it to me. I'm glad he didn't go all out because that would cause undo attention. "Ne, of course I'll marry you. I love you!" He grins so big while he puts the ring on my finger. I pull him in for a kiss. I just know we'll be happy.

We continue looking up at the stars cuddled up in silence. "Hey jagiya, before you met me who was your bias in BTS?" "You of course." He purses his lips. "Who was your bias wrecker?" Uh oh....

❤️That my lovelies is a preview of what is yet to come. ❤️

Also request are open for either Bts or Got7. 👌🏾✌🏾

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