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"Come on baby I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. I don't even know how it happened!!" I keep walking into the house fuming. Namjoon just set me off like a bomb earning his silent treatment. I slam our bedroom door and lay in my bed heated.

Why am I so mad? Well it all happened earlier tonight

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Why am I so mad? Well it all happened earlier tonight.


2 Days earlier~

"I just finished my new painting for my art gallery grand opening. I've been working hard for this since a little girl and it was finally happening. I invited my closest friends and my family to have VIP access. My husband is supposed to be on his way because I finish setting up soon.

30 minutes later~

The crowd starts gathering inside as my grand opening has started. "Y/n this is beautiful!" Hoseok says excitedly. I thank him before hugging him tightly. "Have you seen Namjoon? He's supposed to be here." Hoseok shakes his head pulling away. "No I haven't even heard from him all day...have you tried calling him?" I sigh pulling out my phone. "I'll give it a try." Voicemail again...
"He didn't answer. Anyways I'm glad my best friend was able to make it!" I give him another hug before dragging him off to see my favorites in the gallery.


Soon the party was coming to an end and still no sign of my husband. "Maybe he forgot? He has been working hard at work." I shake my head.

"We talked about it last night so there's no excuse

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"We talked about it last night so there's no excuse. I'm just going to close for the evening...to think I made one special just for him." I sigh and thank the last of the guests for coming before walking them all out. "Well let me take you home since I know you didn't drive here." I smile a little at how sweet he is but it doesn't reach my eyes because I think about my incompetent husband.


I wave Hoseok goodbye as I step inside my house. I come in to see my husband on the couch watching TV like he wasn't supposed to be anywhere else. "Oh hey babe, why are you coming in so late? I ordered takeout but you didn't show." I ignore him as I take off my shoes and coat. "Did I say something wrong?" I laugh unamused. "No but you did forget that my gallery opening was tonight and everyone else I invited showed up but you." His face turns to one of worry. "Babe I-" I hold up a hand. "Save it. I don't want to hear any excuses you have lined up. By the way you're sleeping on the couch until further notice." I run up the stairs and throw a pillow and  blanket down the stairs before locking our room door.

The next day ~

"Come on baby I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. I don't even know how it happened!!" I keep walking into the house fuming. Namjoon just set me off like a bomb earning his silent treatment. I slam our bedroom door and lay in my bed heated. He keeps making up sorry excuses about how he didn't remember.

Hobi would like to FaceTime ...

To be continued ...


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