The Beginning.

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''Oh c'mon Ang. It's not that big of a deal.'' I groaned as I tried to catch up with her. She was frustrated and I was totally confused.

Angela turned to face me, looking angrier than ever. Students were walking past us, not even paying any attention to my raging best friend, but wanting to get out of this hell hole as soon as possible. I don't blame them though. I wanted to get out too.

''Yes Harley, it is. They are being so mean. How can he always get what he wants, and when I want something they just yell at me! I don't wanna go with them, I'm old enough to stay on my own, for Christ's sake! '' she snapped, her electric blue eyes flaming. I admit it, I was a bit scared.

''I understand how you feel but you're not gonna solve anything if you keep being grumpy and mad at the world. How about you speak to them and explain the situation?'' I suggested, trying to reason her. ''That's what I always do with my mum.''

Angela just shook her head, pursing her lips. A deep frown was still present on her face, ''Not everyone is like your mum. She's lovely and understanding woman and she's never even mad at you. While my parents always make me feel like complete shit as James gets treated like freaking royalty. I'm so done with them!'' she retorted, throwing her hands in the air desperatelly.

I was feeling really sorry for her, although she always tells me how she doesn't need anyone's simpathy.

Angela asked her parents if she could stay at my place for the break since the school ended. But her parents told her that they already have planned a trip to New Zealand whilst her brother, James, is gone with his friends to Florida for three weeks. She was complaining because she didn't want to go with them, since she always gets bored and there's nothing to do at her uncle's farm since they'd be staying there.

I gave her a small smile. ''I know Angie. But please don't do anything stupid,okay?''

Angela sighed but nodded. ''C'mon,let's go. I need to get the hell outta here, ''

''Harry! Stop it,you're gonna break something!'' I yelled, tripping over a toy.

The little boy stopped and turned to face me, giving me an appologetic smile, putting the ball down.

''Sorry Harley. I was just so bored.'' he shrugged, adding that cute childish grin along.

''Well why don't you go and play outside? It's a lovely day.''

He pouted, scrunching his nose.

''I have no one to play with. And I can't play basketball alone.''

I smiled at his cuteness. Harry is probably the most adorable creature I have ever come to know and I was so glad for having such an amazing younger sibling.

I bent down to pick the ball and started bouncing it up and down. ''I'll play basketball with ya,'' as I said it, his face lit up, ''C'mon,''

''Really sis? You're the best!''

I grinned, bumping his shoulder playfully. ''Yeah,yeah. You can say that again.''

We finished playing basketball and I was exhausted. I was all sweaty and my muscles were hurting. Yeah, blame it on the lack of physical activity.

But Harry seemed to be enjoying himself. We were laughig and joking and it just made my day seeing him smile.

Right now, we were walking back to the house,chatting and laughing like idiots. He was telling me about this boy, Tim, in his class, that was sitting in front of him. Apparently, he had such a big head, Harry asked him to switch places because he couldn't see anything because of his head. Yeah, that's Harry to you.

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