Immensely and undeniably.

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My cousin had come to visit me, I'm so happy lmao xd

Anyways, I entered some talent club, I'm gonna have a mentor and go to competitions, I'm kinda excited lol

Yeah okay, let's get to the story, I'm not gonna rant anymore xD

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Luke's POV

It hurt.

It fucking hurt like hell to look into those sorrowful eyes I had come to love so much. It hurt to watch her face fall and those perfect lips to curve downwards. It hurt to keep my voice cold and careless as hot tears streamed down her pale cheeks and all I wanted was to drop everything and just hug her and whisper into her ear, tell her everything will be alright.

What she said- that she didn't do anything wrong... I dont know why, but I seemed to freaking believe in it. It's just... the look on her face was so innocent, so truthful. It's the reason I went along her pleas. I had an inner battle with myself, and the tiny voice in my head told me to just do it, to listen to what she has to say. Because, after all, she listened to me. It took a lot, but she did.

And as I watched the lyrics that lied on thr crumbled piece of paper beside me, I couldn't help the melody that created in my mind, quickly unfolding and growing into something huge. So, I grabbed a guitar and started singing, the words falling off my lips as light as snowflakes.

My eyes opened, and there she was.

She stood in the doorway of the place that had such a strong meaning for the two of us. This is where we used to play around when we were kids, this is where we did homework and studied together as we grew, this is where we talked and cried together as our teenage years brought struggle and problems in our lives. And we got over all of it together.

If only we were to get over this.

''Hi, '' word was tiny and shaky, as she clung the sweater she wore tighter around herself. Her nose was red, hair falling in her face messily and I swear, all I wanted to do was go and tuck those strands behind her ear. Her lips held a  light shade of pink, looking so kissable.

These thoughts overwhelmed me, since I was supposed to be mad at her. So, I let the frown consume my features.

''Come in, '' I spoke, not caring that my voice shook a little as well, my eyes following her as she made her way to the beanbag we had placed in the corner years ago.

''I missed this place, '' her silent voice stated, emerald eyes glancing around, light smile present on her lip as she probably remembered all the memories we shared in this very tree house.

Yeah, it seems cliche, but this tree house means too much to us. It was always a symbol for escape, for a place to go when something was wrong. And what made it even more special is the fact that the only people that ever stepped in here, were the two of us.

My father had built it ages ago, of course, after I had to literally beg for it, and help him with the housework. At last, my brothers helped him find all the material and we had started building it. We finished quickly, since it was four of us. And since Harley was so important to me at that time, I had decided it was only right if she was the only person that knew about it. It was our little secret, something only ours.

''I missed it, too, '' I admitted, dropping my gaze as I felt her eyes fixate on me. I fiddled with my fingers, not having an idea about what I should say. After all, she was the one that was supposed to speak.

And she did.

''Luke, everything is just a huge misunderstanding, '' she started, my eyes trailing up to find her staring at me with saddened eyes.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now