Songwriting and chances.

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Harley's POV

I guess no-one was prepared for it. Especially the two of us.

As our eyes met across the room, it seemed as if the whole world took a drastic stop, only the two of us to appear in some sort of bubble that created around us.

I hadn't even noticed it, but I literally wanted to run over to him and just have him wrap those long arms around me as his lips would press to mine ever so tenderly, like always.

I couldn't go a day without him. It was torture, fast death to me. Call it whatever you want, but I couldn't live without Luke Hemmings.

Yeah, it happens when you'be fallen in love with a person.

And I did. Yeah, I realised it already and all I wanted was to shout it on top of my lungs.

I'm in love with Luke Hemmings, immensely and undeniably.

Eventually, I realised that the world was still moving and that everyone in the room was involved into a conversation with Jade, but it didn't seem to matter for the two of us. Our eyes remained glued together, neither daring to break the gaze we held.

I noticed how tired he looked, as well as me, his hair disheveled and put down flat against his head, lips constantly pulling at the metal ring as his hands fiddled with one another nervously.

He still looked breathtaking.

''Harley?'' a voice reached me, finally getting me to avert my gaze and focus it on my brightly hair colored friend.

''Mikey!'' I exclaimed, a smile spreading onto my lips as I went to give the boy a hug. He wrapped his arms around me, patting my  back as I inhaled his scent.

''Wow, I need to start going away more often, the effect it has on all of you is unbelievable, '' Michael snickered, snaking his slim fingers through his newly dyed hair.

I watched him in amusement, ''Don't you dare. And what's with the color change?''

Michael simply shrugged.

''I felt like it. And An-um, nevermind, '' he quickly recovered, biting his lip as I smiled knowingly at him.

''Anyways, we shall get to work, '' Jade announced, getting everyone's attention as she started speaking about new lyrics, album and generally everything that had to do with it.

And then they switched to writing some new lyrics. It was doing pretty awesome, Ashton and Michael had some seriously sick lines and Calum and Luke would jump in and finish something the two of them couldn't. It was definitely what I called real team work.

''Okay, what do I add here? Let's forget the past ! I don't know!'' Michael pouted, doodling on his pencil.

Ashton piped in.

''I swear we'll make this last!'' he exclaimed, quickly writing it down on the piece of paper.

''What next?''

''Maybe, um...''


''I remember the taste of your skin tonight, and the way that you look you had in those eyes, '' Luke's voice suddenly spoke, his eyea fixating on me as the boys hurried to write the words down as he continued, still burning me with those icy eyes that held sadness in them.

''I remember the way it felt inside, we can add, right Luke?'' Michael asked, glancing up at the blonde for a second.

Luke monotonously nodded.

''You would scream, we would fight, you would call me crazy, '' he continued, still staring at me, making my eyes fill with water as I blinked to stop them from falling. My lip quivered and I gulped to prevent the cries to come out.

''I would laugh, you were mad, but you'd always kiss me. And the shirt that I had that you always borrowed, when I woke, it was gone, ''

And fuck, it was enough to get me to rise from my seat, only for the chair to make a squeaky noise as it scrapped behind me. I started literally running out, sobs already leaving my mouth as I went for Ashton's car, quickly unlocking and forcing the key into ignition. I screamed, crying as I let my hands slam against the steering wheel.

And just then, a knock was heard and I lifted my head, only to meet the icy stare of the person I love more than my life. The look in them eyes was sorrowful and I only sighed before rolling the window down and blinking through the tears at him.

''It's enough, okay? Stop it, I already feel awful, '' I begged, watching as he shook his head slightly.

''You should feel even worse. What you did was-'' he spoke, his words cold and I had to speak, only because the tone was literally hurting me.

''I did not do anything! And you'd know it if you just stopped to listen to me, God dammit!'' I screamed through tears, the frown on his flawless face only deepening.

''Okay. I'll listen. Seven o'clock, the usual place. If you don't show up, I'll know that you don't care about me at all, '' he spoke curtly, voice still cold as ice.

I nodded, fighting the urge to smile.

''I'll come, because I do care about you, Luke, '' but he wasn't listening because he swiftly turned around, walking away, leaving me in despair, but still happy because there actually was a glint of hope ignited in me.

I love you, Luke Hemmings. So fucking much.


Another short chapter. I feel like this one was slightly better than the previous one and I wrote them like that because I couldn't fit them into one, I wanted them separately, so there was both Luke and Harley's POV. :)

So hope you like it and I'd like to say something.

First, no-one comments on these and it makes me sad because I want to know your opinion. There's about 1k reads, but it doesn't matter to me, reads never matter, I only want to know what you think of this. So, if you're gonna read, pls comment, i would be thankful forever srsly. :P

And don't write like, pls update and stuff, because I will not count it, I want your opinion, not u telling me to update, or just I love it pls update, it's not it guys! :(


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