The Flight.

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I struggled with my large suitcases because they were heavy as hell.

I had put all of my clothes into them, not listening to Ashton's advice that I won't be needing all of it.

There were three suitcases and I was gasping for air as I could barely move them.

''Harley, c mon! We're gonna be late for plane if you don't move your ass! '' I heard Ashton yell from downstairs. 

I groaned. ''Then come help me with this! '' I shouted back. Just then I heard footsteps coming closer to my room and then my brother appeared on the door with a smirk on his face.

''Told ya not to pack all the clothes, didn't I? '' he teased, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. 

''Just shut up and take them.'' I demanded  pointing to the suitcases and his eyebrows rose. ''You want me to carry those giant suitcases?! Seriously?'' he said in disbelief.

I tapped my foot impatiently.  ''Yes Ashton, now do it.''

He turned around and then suddenly shouted.

''BOYS!  NEED YOUR HELP HERE! '' then turned to me. I was the one smirking now.

The three boys rushed into the room.

''What? Where?'' Michael asked breathlessly.

Ashton just pointed with his finger. ''This.''

The boys just gave me those silly looks. ''Harley, four of them?'' Calum asked.

''Yeah, that's what I said. Its too much! '' Ashton complained.

'' Dude, I need all those stuff!'' I whined making him roll his eyes.

''Oh really? Show me what you have in there, then.''

I gasped at him. ''Of course I'm not gonna show you. There are some... private things.'' I said bitterly, crossing my arms over my chest.

Calum smirked.''Private things, huh? ''

I rolled my eyes. ''Shut up Calum. And boys, if you don't want to be late for plane, I suggest you hurry up with   those suitcases.'' I said, walking out of the room, followed by their complaining. It was something along the lines: ''Harley, come back'' or  ''I can't even lift these damn things'' or  ''What is in here? Rocks? ''

I just brushed them off, walking out of the house, where my mother and Harry were standing next to the big van, in which I guessed we are supposed to drive to the airport.

Mum gave me a confused look.''Where are the boys? I thought they went to get you.''

I smiled wickedly.

''They are carrying my luggage.''  I replied and her eyebrows shot up. ''How long exactly is that going to take because you're gonna be late for plane if they don't hurry up? ''

I shrugged.  ''I don't know. Its not my fault they can't bring a few suitcases. ''

My mum laughed and then she suddenly hugged me tightly.  ''Oh my dear girl. I'm going to miss you like crazy. ''

I smiled sadly.  ''I know mum. Me too.''

Our moment was broken as loud voice shouted. ''Harley Marie Irwin, I almost tripped and fell down the stairs because of this damn thing! '' Ashton yelled, putting the  'damn thing' on the ground. 

''Language Ashton.'' mum reminded which caused him to roll his eyes in annoyance.

I struggled to supress the giggle.

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