Kiss me again.

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''I totally remember that!'' I exclaimed loudly, clapping my hands and throwing my head back in laughter, attracting everyone's eyes. But I had no care in the world because I was having so much fun and I felt like I haven't laughed like this in ages.

Luke flashed his infamous grin, showing his whites as he buried them in his bottom lip, making my stomach do weird backflips.

''Calum was so embarrassed. '' he chuckled deeply, shaking his head as he recalled the memory in his head. I wiped the area around my eyes, trying to fix my probably smeared make-up which is a cause of my tears that escaped my eyes from all the laughter. I bet I look like a panda right now. I thought as I sniffed slightly, amusement still present on my face though.

''I think I have to use the restroom.'' I stated, sending a glance in Luke's way. He cocked an eyebrow upwards, as if to question me why.

''You made me cry, my make-up probably looks awful now. Remind me to kill Gemma and Angie for putting tons of it.'' I explained, mentally planning my revenge.

Luke answered with a laugh, the one when his eyes close slightly, small wrinkles forming around and when his adorable dimples pop out on his cheeks. Just a picture of him like that makes my heart flutter.

As I made my way to the restroom, I examined the place again.

Luke had brought me to a nice-looking restaurant. It wasn't really like the one Harry took me to. No, this one was less... classy and sophisticated. But I didn't mind at all.

Because I don't want to be taken to expensive places so I could be satisfied. I'm not that self-conceited.

The restaurant was pretty decent. It wasn't that spacious, like the one Harry and I went to, but it was just perfect. The other thing that I was happy about was the fact that we haven't seen any fans around. Don't get me wrong,  I love their fans but whenever they appear somewhere, they just make such a fuss. I want them to meet boys and get autographs but that sometimes happens to get out of hand. We all want some privacy and with fans constantly being around whenever we go, it's not possible. So, yeah, you get the point.

So when I finally found my way to the restroom, I approached the mirror, immediately observing my features.

Okay, it's not that bad.

I only had some eyeliner smeared slightly but everything else was fine.

As I applied a layer or my lip balm, my ears registered some voices. Ar first, I didn't care but then I caught them saying something. ..

''He's so hot, like, that suit makes him look even more sexier.''

''I know right? Luke's perfect!''

That made an alarm in my head go off. I quickly walked towards the cabin and shut the door behind. I heard them coming inside and then they continued their annoying dialogue.

''But, did you see that girl he was with?'' one of them asked. I felt my eyes widen slightly and I came a bit closer to hear what they're gonna say.

''I did. Is she his girlfriend?'' another answered with disgust lacing her voice.

''I don't think so. I heard she's slept with Michael and Harry. '' the first one said, her voice not much different. I felt my heart starting to go faster as I clenched my fists in rage.

The fuck?!

The other one gasped. ''Really? Oh my God, what a whore.''

''I know. I wouldn't be surprised if she had fucked Calum and Ashton too.''

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now