Australia, here I come.

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Harley's POV

''I'm gonna miss you so fucking much.'' Ashton mumbled in my ear, almost crushing my bones as he hugged me.

''Don't fucking swear, Ashton. '' I retorted, which earned me a laugh from him.

''Take care, okay?'' he told me seriously as he released me from the grasp.

I nodded.

''Don't worry Ash. I'll call every day and make sure to Skype and Facetime whenever I can.'' I assured him.

Ashton nodded, suddenly being pushed to the side by Calum and Michael, who attacked me in a bear hug. ''We're gonna miss you so much, Har.''

''I'm gonna miss you, too.''

''You have to Skype all of us, not just Ashton and Luke, alright?''Michael demanded, getting a chuckle from me.

''Of course, Mikey.''

''Oh Harley, what are we going to do without you?'' Calum said overdramatically.

''It won't be that long, Cal. You'll survive. '' I said, turning to face Angela and Gemma.

Angela will be staying with the boys for a little more, that is untill they come to L.A. They will be staying there, taking a small pause from the tour and she'll come back to Sydney with them when they visit.

''Girls.'' I said, as they captured me in a hug.

''Oh Lee Lee.'' Angela gushed and I could tell that she was about to cry so I stepped back. ''Angie, no. Shh, I won't be gone forever, let's not repeat the same scenario. ''

Gem nodded in agreement. ''Yeah Ang, man up, we're gonna bother her every day with our constant calling. She'll hate us by the end of summer. '' she joked, getting a laugh from both of us.

''Harley!'' someone called, me turning around to find five boys stalking their way towards me. We were currently at the airport, which was tricky because fans somehow found out about my flight so it was pretty crowded outside.

''Boys!'' I exclaimed, walking towards them, hugging Louis first, then Niall, then everyone else. When I got to Harry, he gave me an awkward nod.

''I see you're still mad at me.'' I commented, glancing awkwardly at my feet.

Harry shrugged. ''I'm not mad.''

I proceeded to let out a dry chuckle. ''Don't lie. I understand.''

I went to leave towards the terminal, but his hand on my forearm stopped me. I looked up into his emeralds, biting my lip nervously.

''I'm happy for you, Harley. You and Luke are perfect for each other. I just need time.'' he told me, his tone quiet and huskier than ever.

I smiled softly. ''You are an amazing guy, Haz. And one day, you'll find a girl who will be as amazing as you are. And you'll be perfect for each other, too.''

Harry surprised me by pulling me in a hug, almost squeezing the life out of me.

''I'll miss you while you're gone.'' he mumbled, getting a small pat on the back from me.

''C'mon, I'll see you in Australia. It'll come fast.'' I assured and Harry nodded.

'''Till Australia then.'' he stated deeply.

I nodded, smile etched onto my face. '''Till Australia. ''

I returned back where boys were, finding Luke leaned onto the wall with his phone clutched in his hands. I heard him mumbling something.

''Yeah. I miss you too, mum. See you soon. Don't cry, okay? I love you.'' he said and I could see tears swimming in his beautiful blue orbs. As he stuffed the phone in his pocket, I approached him.

Luke wiped some tears that escaped his eyes, glancing towards me, a small smile breaking onto his lips. He opened his arms for me to hug him and I did.

I snuggled my head into his neck, trying to hold the tears in. ''Harls...''

''Luke, promise to call every day, okay?'' I pleaded, tears coming into my eyes as well. I tried to suppress them, I did, but it was freaking impossible at the moment. I was extremely emotional person.

''I promise baby. You are on my mind every second of the day and night together. I'll call whenever I can.'' Luke promised, kissing the top of my head.

I let out a quiet cry. I wanted to tell him that I love him. I wanted to blurt it out as loud as I can. But I couldn't make myself do it. I was afraid that he wasn't feeling the same.

''I talked to Harry. '' I said instead, trying to get off the topic.

Luke didn't seem that pleased about it, but he nodded slowly. ''And?''

''We're on speaking terms again. He said that you and I deserve to be together and that we're perfect for each other, to which I agreed completely. You're my Prince Charming. '' I told him, pecking his lips.

Luke grinned. ''I thought I was your knight in the shinning armour.''

I smirked. ''You're way more than that.''

Our discussion was interrupted when a voice was heard, calling out passengers to board. I sighed, looking up at my boyfriend that had the saddest expression on his face.

''Time to go.'' I mumbled, intertwining our hands together.

Luke nodded. ''Time to go.''

I said my last goodbye to every single one of them, heading to the plane where everyone was already inside.

I waved to my friends, finally going inside, feeling as if tears would escape my eyes every second.

Australia, here I come.


This one was short, sorry.

Okay, basically, Harry and Harley are on good terms again, I feel satisfied now lol

And here, Liz isn't on tour with them if anyone wondered. Just sayin.

Okay... what happens next? They've said their goodbyes for now, but what do you think will happen In Australia? Thoughts?


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