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Hello everyone.

I'm actually sorry for the last chapter, I just reread it and realised how boring it was and how many mistakes there were so pls excuse me, I'm tired all the time, I can't even think rationally. My head was hurting like bitch today, I had walked 10 kilometers yesterday, my uncle's getting married, he's finally found a woman for himself in his mid-thirties lol

But that's just a proof that love really exists and my advice to you is to never give up, because there is a person that's waiting for you, just like you're waiting for them to come into your life. :)

So be happy and read the newest chapter of You Found Me. ;)

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You know that feeling when you're just way too excited about something, you feel your insides twirling and twisting at just the thought of it.

Well, when I get excited, that's just a part of my odd behavior. I start shaking- like literally shaking- biting my nails and bouncing my knee up and down in an unnaturally fast way.

And I guess Dave was too engrossed into talking about how his aunt almost burned their house at one of the dinners they had to notice my odd behavior at first. But when he did, he didn't mention it.

After telling Ashton that I'm off and that Dave will be driving me home- having first to seek the house for him and then witnessing him attempting to balance a bottle of vodka on his head, which resulted in it falling off and breaking into trillion pieces, then getting Ashton being yelled at-yeah anyways, he was more than welcome of the idea, being his drunk self, he told Dave to, I'm quoting him "not fucking get it on with his sistaaah because he'll snap his- oof" the oof being the palm of my hand colliding with the back of his head. Of course Ashton didn't mind anything, the exact opposite. He brought me there with him with an intention of finding me a rebound for Luke, because silly idiot is still clueless that I'm in fact back together with the boy in question.

But anyways, back to the present tense.

As we reached the familiar street, which I had gotten to know every corner of, I felt my insides grow even more uneasy. If that, of course, was even possible.

The familiar household appeared and I swallowed a lump that formed in my throat inevitably. As my eyes glanced to the guy sitting beside me, I found him sending me a warm smile. I returned it, though I'm pretty sure it came out as a grimace.

''This is it?'' he asked, nodding his head to the side, obviously referring to the house that stood several feet away from the vehicle we were in.

I responded with a nod, taking a shallow breath. Dave noticed, bringing up a hand, putting it on my shoulder, so he could turn me around and get me to look him in the eyes.

''Harley, listen to me. You will go there and tell that guy that you're in love with him and show him that he means everything to you. You will show him that you truly do believe in his faith- you do, don't you?'' and as I nodded, he continued, ''And that you shouldn't hide what you have. Because what you have is special, Harley. Believe me, I had never seen a girl that's in so deep before, and I admire you, Harley, I do. That guy there is so damn lucky for having you. You're special, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise, okay?''

As he finished, I couldn't help but engulf him into a hug. My arms wrapped tightly around his torso as he immediately hugged back.

''Thank you so much, Dave. You can't even imagine how much those words mean to me, '' I mumbled into his shoulder, not letting the tears spill, though they threatened to do so this whole time.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now