Fans and confrontation.

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Check the authors note at the end of thr chapter.

And enjoy! :)

You know you're really desperate to find a person if you start searching for them even in a trash can. Well, that's where I found myself looking for a green-eyed, curly-headed boy. It was pretty obvious that he was avoiding me, hiding away wherever he could. I spent about two freaking hours, trying to find him so I could speak to him. No one had seen him, from 1D lads and 5sos boys. I literally asked the whole crew we had on tour with us and absolutely no one had seen him. I was growing to be really impatient.

''Dammit, Harold. '' I cursed silently as I stalked my way through the wide area where the tour busses and stage equipment were settled. There were some fans on the other side of the high fence and I assumed they were trying to catch a sight of boys.

When they spotted me, they started calling out my name and I decided to go and talk to them.

''Hey girls.'' I cheered, waving my hand, adding a warm smile as well.

''Oh my God, Harley!'' one of them squeaked pretty loudly, taking her phone out. I noticed their appearance, they all wore 5SOS and 1D merches, bracelets, absolutely everything that had to do with them. I was amazed at how dedicated they are, they literally love all the boys so much.

''Harley, can you follow me and get the boys to follow, too?'' she asked, correcting herself afterwards and saying 'us' instead. I nodded.

''Sure, could you just give me your names on a paper, so I can do that when I get back?'' I wanted to help them, I knew how much it meant to them. Just a follow from boys could make their day. And they really deserve it after being so dedicated and helping the boys get here.

''Of course, here.'' the girl handed me the paper through the gaps of the fence and I smiled politely.

''What are your names?'' I questioned, glancing at each of them. There was about seven of them, all looking extremely excited. They each said their name and the girl who gave me the paper was named Cassidy. She was really beautiful, with her ginger straight hair that went to just below her shoulders and a pair of gorgeous horizon blue eyes, standing out on her porcelain-like face. Her lips were full and pink and she had a birthmark just above her left eyebrow, which looked incredibly cute on her. With all that, on the bridge of her cute little nose were resting a pair of thick-framed glasses that looked much like the ones Ashton has. Her outfit consisted of a 5SOS shirt and some high-waisted shorts with a pair of white converse. I secretly envied her, because she was so beautiful and curvy, nothing like my plain self.

''It's so nice to meet you, girls. ''  I said sweetly at last.

''Harley, would you mind taking some pics with us?'' Cassidy asked, again speaking for all of them. I was slightly confused. I mean, this wasn't the first time someone asked for a picture with me, it's just that I always wonder why  they would even want a picture. I'm neither famous nor pretty like the most of them. I mean, who would like a girl with a typical curly chestnut hair and a pair of boring green eyes? Therr's nothing special about me.

I smiled anyways. ''Sure.'' we took some pictures, which was a bit weird because they were on the other side of the fence, and talked a bit more. Just then, I remembered.

''Hey guys, by the way, have you seen Harry around here? I've been looking for him before I saw you.''

Cassidy spoke before anyone else could. ''Yes, he went over to that building over there. We tried calling him, but he seemed to be into his phone.'' she said, shrugging slightly. I nodded, looking towards the smaller building, which I heard was where they put away some of the equipment, as well as music instruments and stuff.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now