Nerf war.

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I can't even describe what's currently happening at the dressing room.

Boys are going on the stage in half-hour and they decided to use that time properly.

So right now, Calum and Michael are throwing gummy bears at each other, as Ashton and Luke are making sure all the furniture in the room is laying on the ground. Ashton has a helmet on his head, Luke has his pink skirt on, Calum is wearing a pink wig and his Captain America costume and Mike has his robot mask on his head and a lion costume. Creative, right?

I'm just sitting on the floor, my back resting against the wall, as all the furniture is rolled over, or thrown on the floor. I have a bag of chips in my lap and I'm simply enjoying myself.

''I'm sick of this, I wanna play with nerf guns!'' Cal whined suddenly.

Everyone's faces lit up.

''Great idea, mate!'' Michael exclaimed, already standing up. ''I'm gonna get them, you guys call 1D boys.'' and then he was out of the room. Still in his lion costume, with robot mask on. Lovely.

''Gimme a hand here.'' I demanded, raising my hand in the air. Luke approached me, pulling me up. I ended up crashing in his chest, but he steadied me with his long, lanky arms wrapping around me, our chests pressed together. I flashed a grin before pulling away and going after Calum and Ashton, who're headed towards 1D's dressing room.

''Guuuyss!'' Calum shouted as he thumped on the door with his fist. He then pulled the door handle, opening the door wide.

And there we found the whole 1D gang, including Angela.

''Hey guys, we're about to have a nerf war, wanna join?'' Ash asked.


''Awesome, yeah!''


''Let's go.''

And few minutes later, we're all divided in teams, with nerf guns in our hands.

I'm teamed with Louis and Michael, then there are Ashton, Angela and Zayn; Harry, Calum and Luke; Liam and Niall. They asked Lou if she could be on their team but she refused, saying how she needs to go and feed Lux. So they found another team member. It was none other than Gemma Styles. Yeah, I was surprised too, but Harry said how she only joined now because she was busy with her job and stuff. We all met her and introduced ourselves and let me tell you, Gemma is one hell of a girl. She's absolutely gorgeous and I can only now tell how her and Harry look alike. They have almost same facial features and they're both so pretty. I'm jealous.

''Har, you cover me, I'm gonna get Calum. Lou, you go for Liam.'' I guess it did help having two very competitive boys on my team. Michael especially. Because he hates even the idea of losing. As for the video games, you have to be very skillful to win over Mike. He's just 'pro'.

I nodded, obeying to his demand. Lou as well.

The first to leave the game was Ang, as I suspected. She was shot by Harry. Then Liam, followed by Zayn.

I was pretty successful as well. I shot Niall and Calum and almost got Harry, but son of a bitch ran off.

Gemma was pretty awesome, I must say. She shot Ashton, Lou and almost myself, but I ducked my head before she could do it.

We probably would've played the whole night if Preston, another bodyguard, didn't come and tell us to get back to the dressing room because the concert is about to start.

''Race y'all!'' Michael yelled as be was already running his way back. The boys all followed, excluding us girls.

''I don't understand how we even put up with these idiots.'' Gemma stated, shaking her head slightly, to which Angie and I laughed.

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