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''Hey Lau?'' I called, pulling out the pan from the cupboard.

''Yes, Harley?''

''I'm making some pancakes, how does that sound?'' I asked, flipping through the fridge in search for ingredients.


''Harry?'' I called.

''I love pancakes!'' he answered, getting a chuckle from me.

Lauren is finally home and I couldn't be happier about that. She's been sitting in the living room, where we set her everything since she's still not completely fine, playing games with Harry.

Mum had to go off and run some errands, saying that she'll be back in a few hours. I didn't mind, I was perfectly fine with taking care of my two siblings.

Suddenly, my phone rang. As I saw who it is, I pressed accept, putting the phone on speaker.

''Hi Ang.'' I greeted, taking eggs from the fridge.

''Harley, we need to talk.'' she said immediately.

''About what?''

''About you ignoring boys' calls. What's going on? They're sick worried and Ashton told us about your conversation.'' she spoke, concern lacing her words.

I snorted. ''Then he knows what's going on.''

It's been a few days since I talked to Ashton and since then, I haven't been answering any of their calls. Not even Luke's. I was too mad at them. I know that they couldn't do anything about it, but it still meant so much to me. He said how they won't be here till freaking October! That's three months! Three agonizing months.

''Harley, they did everything they could. Come on, you know how difficult these jerks from management can be. Boys' schedule is really busy, they're literally working from dawn to after midnight. They're exhausted.'' she told me, her tone desperate.

I sighed.

''I know Angela, I'm just really mad because... this meant so much to me and now... everything's ruined. How am I supposed to survive three months without them?'' I told her.

Angela was silent for a few moments. ''I know, Har. But I'll be coming in a week, I'll be there.''

I shook my head. ''I know.''

''Just call Ashton. Luke too. They've been worried sick. Ashton hasn't been eating or sleeping properly, neither has Luke. All they do is talk about you or try to call you.''

I felt like crying. Two most important boys in my life were stressing so much.And I was the cause. It made me feel beyond terrible.

''I will. I'll call.'' I promised, meaning it.

Angela sighed in relief. ''Okay. I'll speak to you again then, bestie. And see you in a week.''

I smiled. ''Yeah, bye Ang.''

As line went dead, I plopped down on the chair, thinking about what she said.

All they do is talk about you or try to call you.

I have to call them.

I quickly dialed Luke, pressing the device to my ear. Not even after two rings, his frantic voice answered.

''Harls?!'' he sounded so worried, his tone tired and husky.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. ''Hi Luke. ''

I heard him sigh in relief. ''You called. Oh my God, Harls, we were so worried.'' he panted.

''Why were you worried? I'm fine.''

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now