Falling asleep and the day after everything fell to pieces.

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Hello lovelies! I'm here, writing this when I should do my French homework. Our professor is so awful, she wants us to literally speak French as good as we speak English and I'm like no way man. She's crazy srsly. I don't even understand half of the things she says, how am I supposed to speak, duh?!

Anyways, school sucks, we know, but how's the story, lol? I bet you were surprised with the story plot, so thoughts? :D

Here's the chapter now ;)

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I guess I'm lucky Ashton was not yet home and that my mum, as well as my siblings were off to bed, so to get inside the house wasn't a problem in the slightest.

I wasn't in the mood for anything. I couldn't bring myself to even take a relaxing shower and wash my tear-stained face. No, I simply crashed onto the bed, only taking time to throw the jacket away as I pulled a single blanket over my trembling body.

Tears wouldn't stop. They poured from my eyes and down my cheeks like a waterfall, making huge wet gray spots on my pearly white pillow, as I buried my head into it, so I could muffle my sobs.

Oh God, why does everything have to be so unfair? Life is one of the most difficult things ever. To live is to survive and get over all the bad things that occur during the lifetime.

This great realisation has led to an ever greater disaster. I know I didn't do anything wrong, or anything Luke should consider wrong, but I made it sound like that. Jesus, who even starts the sentence with: "I met a guy"?  Me, that's who.

I mean, I understand how Luke must've felt and his reaction is even more understandable. But my opinion is that he should've given me a chance to explin myself.

But no, he was too busy kicking me out of his house, on zero degrees outside in only his tee shirt on and a leather jacket that made no difference whatsoever.

Speaking of his tee, I couldn't stop clinging onto the awfully great smelling piece of clothing. It reminded me of him and I felt as if I still had his strong arms wrapped around me.

Oh God, how I wish I didn't blurt it out like that. If that was the case, I wouldn't be in this position, lying in my cold bed, crying over the boy I love. I would be in his embrace, holding onto him and placing tender kisses on his lips as sweet nothings would fall off them.  We would tangle our bodies together and-

Shit, I really need to stop with those scenarios, they only make me cry harder and I didn't want to wake up the whole house.

So I tried to fall asleep. Because being asleep is better than staying in this state when all that I can think of is how gorgeous Luke is and how much I want him next to me at that very moment.

And then it hit me.

This is exactly how I've been treating Luke when I thought he was cheating on me. I never answered his calls, I never stopped to listen, I never gave him a chance. And it's all coming back. They say karma is a bitch. Well, I can certainly confirm that.

It wasn't untill I heard a faint sound of door creaking open, that stopped me from drifting off into unconsciousness. I waited for a few minutes, finally hearing footsteps padding against the wooden floor. And then a door handle being pushed open.

It was like a reflexive reaction. My eyes had shut closed and I tried to unnoticeably wipe the remaining splatters of tears that lied on my flushed  cheeks.

Bed shifted next to me and I tried my best to not move and pretend to be asleep as a warm hand was placed on my head and went through my hair, the action soothing me immediately. I let a small smile break onto my lips, only because it was dark in the room and that he couldn't see me awake

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