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It took us about ten minutes to get to the club. The concert was over and we drove to the club Harry told us about. The 1D boys would be coming not long after us because they had to stay and sign some autographs since they were the last to finish.

So, we all entered the club,finding a booth in the corner. We just ordered some drinks and then talked. Boys were fooling around as per usual and Angie and me were dying in laughter.

''Ashton, you can't do that for God's sake!'' Michael exclaimed. Ashton was trying to climb on the table. He wasn't drunk, he has only had two drinks. Its just his childish behavior.

''But I want to!'' he whined as Michael pulled him off.

''I said no.''

''Mikey baby, c'mon!'' Ashton spoke in his high pitched voice. ''Calum tell him!''

Calum just blew him a kiss and Ashton pouted.

''I thought we had a thing Calum. You broke my heart.'' he fake gasped, pretending to wipe off the tears.

''Ashton, what? Were you cheating on me with him? I thought I mean something to you.'' Michael made a sad face. Ashton's eyes widened and he shook his head vigorously.

''I don't need any of you. I have my Lukey.'' Calum said, wrapping his arm around Luke's neck, pulling Luke into him.

''Yeah, team Cake's da best.'' Luke said with a grin and Ang and I just watched them in amusement. They were seriously acting like kids. They always are. I feel like its not teenage boys I'm living with but a bunch of silly children.

''Mikey, will you forgive me?'' Ashton pouted at Michael and he just started at him for a couple of seconds with his arms crossed over his chest but then he hugged him. ''Mashton forevah bitches!'' Ashton shouted and we all laughed.

''You guys are insane!'' I commented and then 1D boys joined us.

''What's going on?'' Louis asked.

''Oh nothing, they were just fooling around as usual.'' I said with a big smile.

''You're just jealous of us.'' Calum said.

''Yeah, Mashton rulles!'' Ashton piped in and Calum sent him a playful glare.

''Cake is the best, admit it!'' he argued.

''Nope, Cake sucks. Right guys?'' Michael asked, looking at the boys.

''Um, Cake?'' Liam asks confused.

I chuckled. ''Cal and Luke are representing the team Cake and Ash and Mike are for team-''

''Mashton!'' the two of them said in unison.

''You all suck.'' I joked, sticking my tongue out for them.

''You're just jealous.'' Luke said with a smile and I rolled my eyes playfully.

''Why should I be? I have... Niall!'' I exclaimed and tapped his back since he was sitting next to me. Niall grinned at me, showing his perfect teeth.

''Yeah, we could be Narley! '' he exclaimed and a big smile appeared on my face.

''Hell yeah! Who's jealous now bitches?'' I smirked, swinging my arm around Niall as he did the same.

''This is becoming weird guys, can we just go and dance?'' Liam asked and I squinted my eyes at him with a smile on my lips.

''C'mon Nialler, let's dance then.'' I said, linking my arm with his and we walked off to the podium.

What The Hell by Avril was playing and we started jumping around, doing some stupid dance moves. The others joined us and we all laughed and did some crazy stuff.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now