The truth.

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I felt my eyes fill  up with tears as my bottom lip quivered. I literally felt my heart  breaking in two as I looked up to see my mother giving me a confused look. Then, as if realisation hit her, she smiled sadly at me.

''Hello? Who is this?'' voice repeated, more impatiently.

I couldn't do it, I hung up, suddenly releasing a loud cry of desperation.

My suspicions were correct.

''Oh dear...'' mum sighed, pulling me in a hug as I cried loudly.

I couldn't believe it. Luke's cheating on me. He's with another girl. All my dreams  and hopes have tumbled down and crashed into million pieces.

I spent the whole day in my bed, wailing over the same thing with a bowl of Ben & Jerry's. A little while after I called, Luke started calling me. Unstoppably. So, by now, I had 136 missed calls, closely 200 messages, and 30 voicemails all from him. I didn't dare check any of it, I simply set silent mode on my phone and threw it on the floor.

Lauren was currently in my room, trying to calm me down a little. I told her what happened and she said how she's going to call Ashton and see what's going on. I forbade her from doing so. She budged me about it, but eventually gave up.

''That phone's pissing me off, you know? Why not just answer?'' she told me.

''I don't care. He means nothing to me anymore. '' I replied, my voice coming out muffled because my face was buried into the pillow.

But I was only fooling myself. I was in love with him, he meant a world to me. and now I finally realise how broken-hearted people feel. You feel like someone snatched your heart from your ribcage and stomped over it repeatedly. You feel mentally exhausted, as if you haven't slept in ages. You cry your eyes out and after crying for so long, there steps in the next feeling-numbness. You feel nothing, you're just numb, emotionless. Nothing ever matters to you.

Somehow, I proceeded to fall asleep and was woken up by my mother shaking me gently, telling me that I should get ready because we'll be going to the airport. I murmured a small 'okay' before climbing out of my bed dully and going for my bathroom.

I was a mess. My brunette hair was sticking in every way possible, looking as if a tornado had gone through it, as my green eyes were replaced by a dull dark green color, captured by huge bags. My face was pale and I had a pimple on my nose. My lips were swollen and there were a few red marks from where my teeth had been digging.

I shook my head at myself as I splashed my face with cold water. I tried my best to do something about the enormous bags under my eyes, but I wasn't sure it was enough because I still looked like a zombie. Even they would be jealous of my look.

When I went downstairs, I had my mum trying to persuade me into eating some scrambled eggs with bacon, which I would normally eat without any supervision, but now I only put a bite into my mouth before running towards the bathroom so I could puke it all.

Mum was giving me a look of pity as I ambled towards the car. I ignored her successfully as I plugged my headphones in and played some heartbreaking songs.

The flight must've been late a little, because we waited for a solid hour and a half before I spotted Angela's face among the crowd. She ran towards me, engulfing me in a needed hug.

I felt tears prickle my eyes as she smiled at me.

''Harley...'' she said quietly before I burst into sobs, burying my head in the crook between her shoulder and neck as she rubbed my back soothingly.

When we reached my house, Angela guided me all the way back to my room and listened to my crying for a while. Then she spoke.

''I cannot stand seeing you like this, Harley.''

''Angie, h-he freaking ch-cheated on m-me.'' I wailed, hiccuping a little.

Angela frowned.

''Listen, Harley. You want me to tell you what happened?'' she asked and I nodded reluctantly.

''When we came to L.A., boys met this girl, Avery. She's something like, I think one of the producers.  From the start, she had been hanging out with Luke the most, he was sad that you were gone and stuff, so I guess she saw a chance to butt in. I went to her and told her to back off and that he's taken, but she only laughed in my face. After that whole Twitter thing and the picture, I went to confront Luke. I asked him what's going on with Avery and him and he said they're only friends. But, after that, I-I saw them kissing.'' she finished with a sad face.

That made me cry even harder. Luke really is cheating on me. I don't need no other proofs. And that made my heart break even more.

Days passed and I hadn't left my room. Well, except to go to bathroom. My mum tried making me go to kitchen and have a meal with my siblings, but I couldn't. I couldn't let Harry see what I look like. I was a mess, a nuisance. A living and walking zombie. That's what I've became.

Then, one day, Ashton called up.

And somehow, my mum convinced me to answer.

''Harley?'' his quiet voice was heard on the other end.

I wanted to cry again, but there were no tears left whatsoever, so I only took a large breath.

''Hi Ash. '' I sounded like a dying whale, my voice rough and raspy.

''You okay?''

''No.'' I answered truthfully. There's no use in lying to Ashton, he knows me better than I know myself.

''Harley I-I understand how you're feeling-''

''No Ash, you don't. You don't understand what it feels like to go on Twitter and see your boyfriend with another girl and then find out that they've kissed. You don't understand what it's like to go through a heartbreak. But let me tell you, it feels terrible. It feels as if your heart has been stabbed million times. Even worse than that, actually.'' I spoke, tears already streaming down my cheeks freely. I couldn't control my emotions. I never could. I've always been so emotional and this is worse than everything.

''Harley, Luke-''

''I don't care about him. He doesn't exist for me anymore. Tell him to stop calling and leaving those messages because it's pointless. It won't change anything.''

''But Harley, you need to-''

''I need to forget about Luke and move on. He's obviously moved on, so why can't I, too?'' I cut him off again, sniffling as I wiped my cheeks.

''Harley, will you just listen?'' Ashton asked, his voice desperate.

''No, there's nothing to hear anymore. Bye Ashton.'' I replied, my finger going for the end the call button.

But before I cut the line dead, I heard Ashton's barely auditable voice say something.

''Luke didn't cheat on you.''


What are your reactions? Did Lucas or did he not cheat?

We better have the comments before I post the next chapter. ;)

I slept for entire 12 hours, I feel so rested now, ready to go to the beach! :D What are you guys up to?


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