Bedroom activities.

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''Luke, no.'' I giggled, pushing the blond boy off  me as he continuously  tried to kiss me, his body hovering over me. We were currently in a hotel in Chicago, taking a break of only a few days before the next show. I was sharing a room with Gemma and Angela, of course, but right now they were gone, as well as the rest of the  boys, to have lunch at Maccas. Leaving Luke and I the only people around here, much to Luke's pleasure because as soon as they left, he appeared at the door of room, attacking me with kisses.

It has been a few days since Luke officially asked me to be his girlfriend, which still feels surreal to me, and we still haven't told anyone about it. Though I think girls are suspecting something, but boys, they're oblivious. Especially Ashton.

We talked about it yesterday and Luke said how we'll tell them soon, wanting to 'keep me for himself' for a bit longer. I told him it's fine, after all it wasn't as if I didn't enjoy all the times we snuck around behind everyone's back, hiding in the very back of  the tour bus or in the equipment room. When everyone else was around, we kept stealingflirtatious glances at each other, acting like secret lovers. It was fun, I had to admit. But everything has its limits.

Luke laughed as he sucked on the sensitive skin of my neck, making me squirm and let out almost animalistic noises, resembling a gazelle that had been caught by an angry cheetah. Though Luke wasn't a cheetah, he was just a horny bastard.

''Dammit Hemmings, stop it, I don't need any more marks or hickeys!'' I whined, attempting to once again pry him off. And then failing miserably because he's ridiculously stronger and bigger than me.

''But babyy! '' he whined back, kissing my jaw tenderly and then moving to my collarbone again. I growled lowly, closing my eyes for a split second. ''I missed you.''

''Luke, we've seen each other this morning, you gave me a hickey in the elevator, remember?'' I reminded, giggling again as his hair tickled my neck.

Luke chuckled deeply, smirking at me, then looking down at my neck, glorious expression masking his face, eyes gleaming. I gasped, my hand flying to my neck only so I could feel a burning sensation underneath my fingertips. I cursed silently as I jumped towards the full-body length mirror, examining the fresh hickey just above my collarbone. It was purple-bluish and it hurt like bitch. I groaned, watching as Luke's tall figure approached me from behind. He placed his hands on my hips, resting his chin on my shoulder as the infamous smirk stood on his gorgeous face.

''Bastard. '' I muttered, rolling my eyes and trying to get away from his grasp, but he only clutched me closer to him, making me squirm and kick for freedom. Luke laughed uncontrollably at my weak attempts of getting away from him, making me scream even louder. ''Luke!''

''Shh baby, you don't want people to get the wrong thoughts.'' he snickered, burying his head in the crook between my neck  and shoulder from behind.

I gasped. ''Stop with innuendos and let me go, Hemmo!'' I hissed, suppressing the urge to laugh as he started leaving trail of wet kisses along my neck again, bringing tickling sensation.

''Nooo!'' he whined, tightening his grip around my waist. I finally gave up, slumping in his arms. He lifted me, carrying me back to the bed and gently placing me there. He snuggled into me, so we were basically spooning, nuzzling his head in my neck again. I literally felt overwhelmed because he was so bigger than me, his body cupped mine completely. I immediately relaxed as I felt his deep and shallow breaths next to me, bringing me a feeling of an extreme happiness. I smiled, cuddling more into him and sighing contentedly.

''Luke?'' I called quietly, getting a hum in response from him. ''Do you ever wish things could stay like this forever?  You and I, in this bed forever, just kissing and lying peacefully with no care in the world.'' I said, rolling over so I was facing him. His beautiful blue eyes scanned mines, boring into them as he smiled lightly. He brought his one hand and caressed it along my left cheek, the other one pulling me into him. I drapped my arm around his neck and slided it through his silky hair tenderly.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now