On My Side Again.

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Harley's point of view.

So, it's been about half an hour since I came to my senses. Ashton and I talked for a long time and I was so happy to finally have my cheeky brother back. I missed him freaking much.

Those things he said while I was 'asleep' touched me. Like, seriously. He's the most caring brother on this planet and I love him for that.

He made sure no one could disturb us as we were caching up with each other. We talked about everything and settled things down. We literally poured each other's souls for that time.

My head was aching a little, probably because I banged my head too hard but everything else seemed fine. No broken bones of teeth. So, yeah, I was fine.

About the tour... well, we didn't really talked about that. Ashton kind of didn't bring it up but I knew it was coming sooner or later. I absolutely had no idea what were we going to do.

''Oh Gosh!'' Ashton suddenly said, facepalming himself. I wrinkled my forehead in confusion and slight worry. ''I totally forgot to tell mum. And, oh my God, Harry and Lauren. I haven't talked to them in ages! Jesus, I'm such a terrible brother.'' he exclaimed and I shot him a disapproving look.

''Shut up Ash. You were too occupied with everything, it's not your fault.'' I spoke motherly. Ashton pouted. ''Still. We have to call them.''

I sighed. ''Can we not do it right now because 1) I look like a crap and 2) I'm kind of tired.'' I told him truthfully. Now it was Ashton's turn to glare at me in disapproval.

''Well Harley, we won't do it right now because of the second reason and as of first one, it's completely uncorrect.'' he said sassily and I gave him an amused look.

''If you say so. As I said, I'm tired, I don't have will or power to argue with you.'' I retorted, yawning. Ashton chuckled.

''I'll leave you alone so you can get some sleep then beautiful. '' he told me, leaning in to plant a warm kiss to my forehead. I smiled.

''Can you make me company untill I fall asleep?'' I pleaded, adding my personal weapon, puppy eyes. Ashton pretended to sigh dramatically.

''I guess I have no other choice. But you'll have to scoot away and make me some place there, ya know?'' he joked and I laughed.

''Sure, Mr. Irwin, anything else you'd want?'' I replied as he snuck into the uncomfortable hospital bed with me, pulling the covers over the both of us.

''Maybe a kiss before you leave to Dreamland?'' he asked with that big smile of his. You know, the one that spreads over his whole face, from one ear to another. That's my favourite one.

I giggled at his cuteness. ''Okay, but just a small peck.'' I told him and he shrugged.

''Anything works for me.'' and I gave him a kiss on the cheek before he wrapped his arms around my figure protectively, engulfing me into a well-deserved sleep.

I stirred from my peaceful but kinda uncomfortable slumber, noticing that my brother was not next to me anymore. I groaned slightly, opening my eyes, which was a hard job since the light from the outside glared at me, illuminating the whole room, making it even brighter.

First thing I saw when I opened my eyes though, was a woman standing next to one of the machines I was connected to. She was checking something and when she heard my small grunt, she turned to give me a smile.

''Good morning there, lovely. How are you feeling?'' she asked me, her tone bright. Her whole appearance was bright. From her dirty blonde hair, which was tugged back slightly with a hairpin,  and light blue eyes to her lips covered in pink lipstick which was actually barely noticeable. She had few bracelets around her wrist, you know, the ones with those charms and stuff. Also, a golden ring on her finger. Yeah, she's married, probably has few children, already grown up. She must be living a peaceful life with her husband, working in a hospital and helping people. That would be nice for her.

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