Beside you.

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Guys, hi.

Here's an important thing. So, as you may know, school's starting soon and my goal is to finish this book before it does. But, the thing is, I'm not sure if I'll have enough time, became there are still things that need to be cleared and stuff. I'm not even sure myself how many chapters there's left. :P

So, if school does start and my book isn't finished, then all I have left is to update on weekends or if I don't have much homework and stuff.

That would pretty much be it, if there are any further changes, you'll be informed, just read A/N's don't skip them lol

So keep leaving comments or else I won't be updating as frequently as I'm doing now.

Now enjoy the chapter. :)


''Harley... Lee Lee, come on. Wake up.''

As soon as I tried to open my eyes, I realised it's a huge mistake, since they stung like a fucking bee, along with my crazy head that started hurting like bitch. I released a loud groan of dissatisfaction as I rolled over, covering my head with a pillow as I clung to the duvet that was thrown carelessly across my tired and hungover body.

I mean, I hadn't drank much, I barely had a few shots, but my head and whole vision proceeded to come out dizzy and blurred. I felt like shit.

''Harley, wakey wakey.'' the soft voice continued to coo into my ear as I brought a hand up to push them away. Though, the only thing I felt is something wet on my hand.

I quickly pulled it away, straightening up so I could groan inwardly. ''Ew, did you just lick my hand, you motherfucker?''

My brother's face held a smirk and he started laughing like a freaking hyena at me as I wiped my hand with a disgusted face. ''Prick.''

Ashton ignored my bitterness as he pulled the covers off me, much to my dislike.

''We're going home, you've slept more than enough. '' and to prove his point, he looked over to the clock on the wall that read 2:32 p.m. Woah, did I seriously sleep that long?

I couldn't keep another groan as I rolled on my back, rubbing my eyes tiredly as a yawn escaped my mouth. ''I'll be downstairs in five.''

Ashton only nodded, before disappearing from the room.

I somehow managed to climb from the comfortable bed and stumble into the bathroom so I can make myself at least somehow presentable.

Because to say I looked like a freaking hobo would be an understatement of the century.

My brown hair looked as if a shockwave had gonw through it, as it stuck in every direction possible. My face was pale and I had some stupid red marks and a pimple in the middle of my forehead, which made me look like those Indian women. My green eyes were dull and lifeless as bags under them were rather huge and disturbing for me. My usually pink lips were chopped and the skin was bitten off as there was an obvious red mark of blood.

Speak about homeless people. I looked trillion times worse.

I did what I could, though there wasn't much in the cabinet of the guest room's bathroom I could use. But, who the hell even cares.

It took me a bit more than five minutes to finish and reach the living room of the Hood's household, to find it occupied by my brother, along with the Hood siblings.

As they spotted me miserably standing by the door, their conversation faltered, then stopped.

Mali smiled at me.

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