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''Helloo Atlanta! ''  Calum exclaimed as he stepped out of the tour bus.

I chuckled behind him. ''Shall we explore? '' I directed my question to no one in particular, but Ashton answered.

''Of course! Lemme take my phone, we're doing a keek.''

I rolled my eyes, followed by Angie. ''You're always doing a keek, Ash.''

''I have to update the fans, yaknow.'' he yelled from the back and I shook my head with a laugh escaping my lips.

I glanced towards the blonde that sat on the window seat, or 'couch' as we call it. He was staring intently at me, small smile playing on his plump lips. I returned one, titling my head to the side slightly, as if asking him to follow me. Luke stood up, his long, lanky legs striding after me out of the bus.

It's been two days since the amazing night we spent in Nashville. I can definitely say that it has been the best night of my life. Luke was so adorable, we talked and sorted everything out. He even asked me to go on a date with him. I agreed, of course. 

Luke was kinda sad because we had to leave. He grew up to like that small city, especially because of the amazing place he found. I wasn't happy to leave either. It was nice, probably one of the best places we've visited.

''Sup?'' he asked, leaning on the outside of the bus. I sat down on the asphalt, resting my elbows on my thighs. 

''You still haven't told me anything about. ..'' I trailed. You see, he did ask me on a date, but he never gave me any details about it, like when or where. All he said was 'I'll tell ya later'. It's later now.

Luke chuckled at my eagerness. ''Easy babe, I still have to organize everything. '' Organize everything? What?

I decided to let it go and not bother either him, nor me. Everything will be okay. Cool.

''Let's go!'' a yell came from my crazy brother, who ended up running towards the usual van that's our transport whenever we go. We laughed, following behind him.

''This is gonna be a great day.'' Luke said quietly in my ear as we took our places. ''I can feel it.''


Luke was right.

Day did end up being pretty awesome. The fair was in the town and we couldn't wait to go and try everything they have.

Ashton kept making silly keeks, 'updating' fans about everything that's been going on. It was quite funny actually.

''Hey guys. It's Ash again. '' he said, waving to the camera in front of him.

''For the millionth time today. '' I butted in with a laugh and Ashton's eyes became slits as he glared at me. I blew him a kiss.

''Anyway. We're gonna check the rollercoaster, I can't wait. Right Luke?'' he said, pointing the device towards Luke and I. We were sitting on the bench, sharing a fairy floss, whilst everyone else was off into their own direction.

Luke nodded, flashing a smile. I smiled as well, waving awkwardly. ''Say hi Harley. '' Ash cheered and I made a funny face at him.

''Hi everybody. How are you?'' I said quite quietly, causing boys to laugh at my awkwardness. I rolled my eyes.

The rest of the day went by really fast and before we knew it, we were all sprawled in our bunks, curtains pulled to the side as we all chattered among ourselves.

''I can't wait to visit L.A.'' Cal said.

''I wanna go to New York, it's gonna be awesome. '' Angela admitted as well. I stayed quiet. What I really can't wait is to go back home. I miss Sidney. I miss my family, friends, everything. Sometimes I just wish I can go back immediately and leave everything here. I miss my little brother and sister, and I miss Mama Irwin, as the boys call her. It's hard to watch their faces when we're Facetiming, or Skyping. I get the urge to hug them

all but I can't. It's depressing sometimes.

''Harley?'' sudden mention of my name snaps me from the daze I'm in, and I realize it's Ash.

''Uh, yes?'' I asked.

''You've been quiet, what's going on?'' he said, looking directly at me since my bunk is just across his.

I decided on telling the truth. ''S' nothing. I just really wanna go home. I miss Sydney. ''

Ashton smiled sadly at me, then got out of his bunk and crawled inside mines. His long arms wrapped around me tightly, engulfing me in his warm body. I held back tears as I snuggled into him.

''I know babe. I miss it too.'' he said quietly, planting a soft kiss to my forehead. I smiled slightly.

''We all miss Sydney. '' Luke said, everyone else agreeing. ''But this is a life chance and we have to use it properly. ''

I nodded. ''Yeah.'' sniffing a little. Ashton caressed my hair with his hand.

''Shhh. We'll be okay. Right?''

I answered with another nod.

''Right. ''


This chapter sucks, I know. I was gonna make it longer, but my prom was last night and I'm really tired, we stayed late, so bear with me. :P

I wanna thank everyone who reads again. Keep up with the votes, comments and stuff. I love you!

P.S. And hello to all the fans from Atlanta. ;)

-M. xxx

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