Hard to resist.

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Its been almost two weeks since the boys came back home and the tour is starting in a few days.

Ashton and I told mum about tour last week. Let's say that she was kinda upset at first but then she came around. I must admit I feel kind of bad because tour is going to be long and I'm sure I'm gonna miss my mum and Harry so much. But on the other side, I'll have Ashton. Which is great.

Mum agreed to call Angela's mum and ask her about tour.

That woman is really hard to convince.  But its also really hard to say no to my mum so at the end she finally agreed.

When I told Angela, she was hyperactive.  She started jumping on my bed, laughing, shouting and hugging me like crazy.

So now I was in my room, chilling on my bed with  my laptop.

I just scrolled through the tweets, looking for nothing in particular. 

The boys were all at their houses with their families now.  We hung out yesterday, just watching movies and playing some stupid games. The day before yesterday we went to the Starbucks and then went to the beach. It was lovely.  The boys were joking and fooling around as per usual. Then, when we came back home, we played hide and seek, then chased around the house. Boys then sang to me some of their song and then asked me to sing with  them  which I refused because that would be embarrassing.

The whole time they were here, I had a great time. I'm really happy I'm going on tour with them. Also, I'm really looking forward to meet the 1D boys. I heard they're great guys and I hope we'll get along well.

I got bored and then grabbed my guitar, which was laying on my bed and played some tunes.

I got it for my fourteenth birthday from Ash and he taught me how to play it. Its quite cool having a guitar because whenever I'm bored or sad or alone, I just tumble across the strings and maybe sing or hum along the music.

I decided to sing my favourite song from All Time Low, which boys did a cover of.

''Lights out, and I still hear the rain. These images that fill my head, now keep my fingers from making mistakes, tell my voice hat it takes to speak up, speak up and keep my conscience clean when I wake...

Don't make this easy, I want you to mean it Jasey...say you mean it. You're dressed to kill, I'm calling you out... don't waste your time on me.''

I just hummed the next part, playing the familiar notes on my guitar.

''I've never told a lie and that makes me a liar. 

I've never made a bet but we gamble with desire.

I've never lit a match with intent to start a fire, but recently the flames are getting out of control.

Call me a name, kill me with words, forget about me, its what I deserve.  And I was your chance to get out of this life, but I ditched the car and left you to

Wait outside. 

I hope the air will serve to remind you that my heart is as cold as the clouds of your breath.

And my words are as timed as the beating in my chest.''

Then I lowered my voice, singing the last part.

''You're dressed to kill, I'm calling you out...

Don't waste your time on me...''

As I finished I heard clapping and I immediately turned around to see Luke standing in the doorway with a huge smile on his face. My eyes widened as I slowly put my guitar down, not taking my eyes from him.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now