Story of her life.

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''I have no problem with that Ashton. And besides, we'll both join you again in a few days, there's nothing to worry about. '' I assured him as he paced around the crowded hospital room.

Everyone was seated around, from 1D boys and 5SOS lads and Angie.

The plan about the tour is that Angie is going to stay with me so after a few days, we'll join the boys again in Dublin. But Ash seemed hesitant.

''Are you sure? Maybe we can-''

''God, Ash, just go. It's not even that big of a deal. I'm perfectly fine and I just have to do a few tests and stuff. Right guys?'' I said, looking at them and they all agreed with me. Ashton sighed, leaning down and kissing my forehead.

''Okay babe. But if anything, I mean anything happens, just call me, I'll make sure to leave everything and come here, alright?'' he spoke and I smiled gently at him.

''Of course. Now go, or your transportation will leave without you.''

Everyone said their temporary goodbyes and stuff and then, Ang and me were alone in the room.

''He really loves you so much.'' she stated suddenly and I snapped my head in her way in confusion. ''Ashton. You mean a world to him, seriously. ''

I smiled, releasing a sigh. ''He means a world to me as well.''

''So, what shall we do? Boys brought their xbox here so we can play some games if you want.'' she suggested and I shrugged. ''Okay, I'm up for it I guess. ''

So, in next hour we played some random games, laughing and joking around. I realised how lonely I was without my best friend. She was always there to make my day better and whilst we were not speaking to each other, I felt empty. As if a piece of my soul has been taken from me. Like, seriously.

Doctor came in and told Angela that she has to leave the room so they can do some analysis on me. She told me she'll just go and buy some food or something.

''Miss. Irwin, you're much better than I had suspected. I might even consider letting you out earlier than intended.'' doctor told me after he did all the job.

A smile crept onto my face. ''Really? That sounds awesome! '' I chirped, happiness evident in my voice. Doctor smiled warmly at me.

''Yes, it is. Now, please excuse me, I need to go fill some papers. I'll send a nurse to bring you something to eat since you haven't eaten at all today. '' he replied and then he was gone. Few moments later, the familiar nurse came into the room with a tray of food.

Her long dirty blonde hair was pulled up with a hairpin and she looked pretty happy.

''Hello Harley. How are you feeling?'' she asked me politely as she set the tray in front of me.

I flashed her a smile. ''Awesome! I just found out I'll be released earlier.'' I told her and she smiled brightly at me. ''It's lovely to hear that. I'm happy for you.''

I looked down at the tray and saw a plate of soup and an orange juice. God dammit, I had this yesterday, it sucked!

''Do I really have to eat this?'' I asked her, trying not to sound rude or anything. Because, I mean, there are people who have nothing to eat, and here I am, complaining about the food I got served in front of me. God, this really sucks.

Woman smiled sympathetically at me. ''I think you do honey, you haven't eaten anything at all.'' she said sweetly. I released a small groan, probably looking like some spoiled brat.

''It's just that I don't like hospital food.'' I admitted and I heard her chuckle silently.

''I know, nobody likes it. But you really have to eat.''

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now