I missed you.

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I had no idea a car ride could be so quiet and tense.

Luke said he's taking me somewhere and when I asked where, he told me to 'wait and see'.

So right now, we're sitting in the car that originally belongs to Paul, I think, driving towards an unknown place. Awesome.

When we finally stopped, I looked out of the window to see if I can recognize anything, but failed since nothing could be seen.

''Where are we,Luke?'' I questioned and he simply got outside, walking over to my side of car, opening the passenger door.

And I can finally see what it's all about.

The sun cascaded through the hazy sky, beams of light drained like spilled paint across the horizon. Looking at the lacquered lake suffused with deep orange, garnet and mangenta, we stood by the shore for several moments, silently watching two suns collide. Luke's raspy voice finally broke the silence.

''A friend of mine showed me this place. I was amazed, the beauty of it charmed me.''

I looked up to examine his features. His face was illuminated with the brightness of the sun in the horizon, eyes holding some beautiful glow that made me want to gawk at his perfection.

''Why did you bring me here?'' I asked after a couple of moments passed. Luke stayed quiet for a few more seconds, eyes glued to the stunning sight. But then he finally spoke, voice laced with quietness.

''This place means so much to me, from the first moment I saw it. I spent these few nights we were in Nashville, here, just enjoying the beautiful nature, the amazing sky and these colors. I admire it, I respect it, I love it. But I thought that this place values to much to be kept just for myself. So I decided to show it to you, knowing you'll love it, admire it and respect it as much as I do.'' Luke said, finishing with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lip.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to fall into his arms and hug him tightly, I wanted to tell him how much he means to me. And I almost did.

But Luke beat me to it, engulfing my figure in his large grasp, his body heat radiating into me, sending chills down my spine. I smelled his scent, remembering how much I've missed it in these past months. Tears started swimming in my eyes, threatening to spill over my lashes, but I blinked them back, not wanting to ruin the moment or look weak and vulnerable.

But I was weak and vulnerable. I needed someone, someone who will mean the world to me and to who I will be a world. I need someone to hold me whenever I'm down and tell me everything is gonna be okay. I need someone to love and care about. I need Luke.

So I cut this unbearable moment filled with desperation and need, attaching my lips to Luke's. It all felt so familiar, me feeling like we were doing it twenty years ago.I couldn't even believe how I could survive all this time without him. Without this. I realised how much I need him, as my rock and my support. Because that's what he's always been.

The kiss wasn't needy or passionate, rough. It was full of gentleness, care, almost love. And I loved every single bit of it. Because our lips molded together as if they're made for each other. I wanted to never let go, to stay in his grasp forever.

But my lungs had started hurting, need for air to be brought to them growing as the time passed. And I guess Luke felt that too, because he slowly, and unwillingly, moved away, resting his forehead against mine, our fast breathing being the only sound that filled the calm and quiet air that surrounded us. I smiled.

''Luke. ''


''I missed you.'' I admitted quietly.

Luke's expression mirrored mine, those beautiful dimples appearing on his cheeks, making him look younger, like a boy. Boy that wanted to never grow up.

'' I missed you too, Harls.''


Awwww lol :DD Larley is back bitches!


Lovee yaa!

-M... xxx ♥♥

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now