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Loud chatter around me but my thoughts are drifting away in so many directions.

Did you ever feel like someone just stabbed you in your heart, just by one simple action?

Like, how could someone share such a passionate moment one day and then the other, it's like none of it happened, the person just moved on.

That's how I felt when I saw Luke kissing with that girl.

Thousand thoughts kept roaming around my head, like why did he do that? Does he like her but decided to play with me? Do I mean anything to him?

I just feel like going back home and burying my head in my pillow, to just forget this even happened. But I don't mean home, as in hotel or tour bus. No, I mean home, back in Australia.

I know I cannot go home,  because I can't do that to Ashton. This all means a lot to him and I know he wants me on this tour. So, I have to stay and be his support. And for the other guys too. Just everyone except the blonde haired boy.

''Harley?'' the voice of my brother snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up to see everyone staring at me.

''Uh, what?'' I asked unsure.

''You sort of zoned out...'' Calum said and I bit my lip.

''Yeah, um sorry about that. I was thinking about something. '' I faked a smile and three boys nodded, returning to their conversation.

But Angela kept her gaze on me, sending me a look of suspicion. I smiled my best smile at her but she just sighed, turning away.

Shit, she saw right through me. I cannot lie to her or anything, she'll know. It's not only because we're girls, it's also because we've basically been friends for an eternity.

''Hey Luke! Over here.'' Calum suddenly yelled and I felt my eyes go wide, my breathing quickening.

No, no, no, I don't need this.

I hung my head low, just so I don't have to look at him anymore. I didn't want to see those blue eyes that give me goosebumps and those lips that kissed me less than 24 hours ago. I knew that I couldn't bear with it.

''Hi guys.'' his raspy voice spoke as he slouched onto the chair that was across from me. His voice gave away something odd, like, it was low and quiet. I wondered why.

''Where were you?'' Angela asked, her voice a bit harsh. But none of them really seemed to notice except me. Or maybe they noticed but decided not to say anything.

Eating faces with that girl in the music shop. I wanted to scream, but just kept my gaze on the food in front of me that I only picked on.

''Just went to see some friends from around here.'' he said nonchalantly. 

Yeah, right. Friends.

''Oh I didn't know you knew someone here?'' Angela continued the interrogation. And I gave her a look of curiosity.

What is she up to?

She noticed me staring at her and she gave me a thumbs up, when no one was looking at her, but at Luke.

He suddenly seemed nervous.

''Uh, I met someone.'' he stammered.

Michael wiggled his eyebrows at him.

''Is it a girl,  mate?'' he queried and Luke gulped, then looked at me. I quickly diverted my gaze from him and brought out my phone, pretending to just scroll through my mentions.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now