Punk-rock and Disney.

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Not edited, sorry if there are mistakes.


I'm not sure if it was some sort of reflexive reaction, but as soon as I spotted him, I scooped away from Luke, giving the guilty look at curly boy that stood just few feet from me. I reassured myself how I shouldn't feel guilty because it wasn't like Harry and I are dating or something like that. He took me to a few dates, yeah, but that doesn't mean anything. I had to admit to myself that I felt nothing but a doze of friendliness towards him. It's like complete opposite from what I felt for Luke. I liked Luke. Not Harry.

Dammit, this is some serious shit then, huh?

I watched as Harry clenched his jaw tightly, his hands balling into fists. He looked angry, I didn't have to be a freaking Einstein to see that. From the corner of my eye, I saw Luke staring at him, then at me. He looked expectant, as if he was waiting for me to make a move. Right or wrong, to me was to decide.

But before I could do anything, Harry suddenly turned on his heels, stomping away, fury containing his features. I gulped, not knowing what to do. Should I go after him? Or stay with Luke?

It was a test and I didn't know what to do. Definitely.

I glanced at Luke, to find him giving me a raised-eyebrows look.

''I-uh.'' and then I decided. I'll do this right. ''I need to go. I'll find you later, okay? I need to settle this. '' I expected him to be  mad at me or something, but Luke smiled. He smiled.

''It's okay, Harls. Go. We'll talk later. '' he said softly, taking my head in his hands  and planting a gentle kiss to my forehead. I grinned up at him, returning the favor as I kissed him on lips, getting a sly smirk in response.

''Naughty girl.'' he said quietly, smirk still present. I giggled, rolling my eyes.

''Later Lukey. '' I started walking away, blowing a kiss at him. He pretended to catch it, stuffing it in his pocket afterwards. I shook my head, smile still lingering on my lips as I kept walking.

''See ya, Harley Boo.'' he yelled and I laughed once more before disappearing into the other corridor.

I wasn't sure why, but One Direction's dressing room was at the completely opposite end of the building. It surprised me since boys are always sharing a dressing room or at least theirs is not that far. But I shrugged it off as I walked towards the door saying "One Direction's dressing room". The corridors here were more crowded than the ones where the boys' dressing room was. People walked by every now and then, carrying something with them. Mostly equipment and stuff for the stage. I wondered why weren't 1D boys already on stage since 5SOS' performance ended about fifteen minutes ago.

I knocked on the wooden door, getting a faint 'come in' in response. I pulled on the  handle, opening the door slowly, not knowing what to expect.

''Harley! Hey!'' Niall greeted me with a warm hug, sucking the air from my lungs for a second.

''Hey Nialler.'' I breathed out as soon as he released me. I quickly scanned the room, finding it empty. ''Where are the others?''

Niall shrugged. ''Went out. I'm about to join them.'' he said nonchalantly.

I frowned. ''What do you mean, out. What's 'out'?''

''Out, the stage.'' oh God.

''Why are you not with them, in that case?'' I have this talent of asking dumb questions at wrong times.

''Talked with my brother, got a little carried on. I have to hurry though, or I'm gonna get killed. '' he said, already walking out of the room. I followed him.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now