Lunch & Confessions.

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Not edited.

Cause they're just girls, breaking hearts...and eyes bright, uptight, just girls. But she can't be what you need if she's 17-

''What is it?'' I mumbled, picking up the phone and bringing it to my ear.

Some shuffling was heard before person spoke. ''Harls?''

''Yes Luke?'' I said, falling down on my bed again, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

''Where are you?''

It takes my still dizzy mind to process the question before I give him an answer. ''I fell asleep.''

''Are you at the bus?'' he asked and I nod, but then remember he cannot see me, so I confirm.

''Stay there, I'll join you in a bit.''

''Hey, Luke?'' I stop him, my voice kind of urgent. ''Yes, Harley?''

''Bring some food. '' and he chuckles before hanging up.


''Harley? Love, wake up. Harleeeyy...'' someone gushed, running a hand through my hair and then fingertips slided down my arm, sending shivers through me. I released a loud sigh, burying my head in the pillow, clutching onto it.

Beautiful laugh echoed through the place, bringing out a small smile on my face. ''I brought food.'' and that's when I look up, struggling to open my eyes because of the light that illuminated the room. But that also gave me the opportunity to see Luke's gorgeous face clearly.

''Hello, sleepy y head.'' he chuckled silently, moving a strand of my hair from my eyes and tucking it behind my ear. I bit my lip, smiling sheepishly.

''How did you manage to fall back to sleep in such short notice?''Luke asks, supporting himself with his elbow, staring down at me. I suddenly became aware of the state I was in and my probably killer breath. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand, earning myself a confused and pretty amused smile from the blond boy.

''Get away, my breath's bad.'' I tell him, words coming out muffled because of my hand that's still against my mouth. Luke laughed loudly, closing his eyes so small wrinkles formed around. I smiled at myself at the sight. He's so perfect.

''C'mon then, go brush your teeth and get dressed, I'm taking you out on lunch since you missed breakfast. '' he said, ushering me out of the bunk. I groaned as he slapped my ass in the process, then snickered afterwards.

''You idiot, you said you brought food.'' I whined helplessly, shooting daggers at him. Luke shrugged carelessly.

''This is even better. C'mon, don't complain, we gotta get going. '' he told me and I sent one last glare before going to the bathroom and doing my things.

When I got out, I spotted Luke sprawled on the window seat, his phone in his hands. I walked up to the cupboards to take some orange juice.

''Ready, shortcake?'' Luke's voice asks from behind me and I nod absentmindedly. When I turn around with a glass of OJ, I find him standing up, eyes still glued to the phone.

''What're you doing on that phone the whole time?'' I asked, trying to sound nonchalant, but failing as Luke sends me a smirk.

''Following fans, what do you think I'm doing?'' he said, finally stuffing the phone in his pocket, starting to walk towards me. I shrugged. ''I don't know. ''

By then, he's standing about few inches away from me, his hand taking a hold of the glass and placing it down on the counter. His hands find their way around my waist as he pulls me into him, bringing our bodies together. Lump forms in my throat at the thought of him being so close to me and I feel chills go through me, goosebumps rising on my skin. Luke definitely notices because he smirks mischievously, rolling his bottom lip under his teeth seductively. I inhale a sharp breath, feeling my heart racing in my chest. And Luke noticed that too, considering our chests were basically pressed together. He dips his head down slightly, his lips only about centimeters away from mine. And just as I think he's going to press them onto mines, his lips go to my ear and he plants a lingering and delicate kiss there before speaking.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now