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Harley's POV

Some shuffling was heard before a tall frame entered the room, with only a small towel hugging his lower half. 

I smirked at my boyfriend, who only chuckled lowly before striding towards the dresser and then starting to dig through the pile of clothes.

''Damn Hemmo, don't mess with me, '' I groaned, my voice coming out weird because my nose was still in blockage.

Luke turned around, giving me an incredulous look, then smirking afterwards.

''Well babe, I'm sorry if my hotness is too much, I can't really help it, '' he laughed, bending over so he could pick up a t-shirt, though only teasing me.

''Fuck you,'' I mumbled, grabbing my phone and trying to ignore him.

''Whatcha doin'?'' he asked minutes later, plopping on the bed beside me, in nothing but a pair of boxers.

I shrugged.

''Reading fanfictions, '' I answered nonchalantly, watching with the corner of my eye how his eyes widened.

''Tell me it's not about Calum!'' he exclaimed, getting a loud laugh from me.

''Yeah, I was actually just reading a Calum one. Though Malum is like, God!'' I pretended to be amazed, as Luke stared at me in horror.

''Ew, oh my God, I hate you!'' he suddenly shouted, pouting as he rose from the bed, slouching down onto the floor, eyes still fixated on me as I died in laughter.

''But Wukey, pwease, I'm so sowwy, will you fowgive me?'' I spoke in a baby voice, crawling from bed to where he sat, resembling a cat balled into its basket.

He tried crawling away from me, the two of us looking like cat and dog, on all four, as we chased around the room.

''Stop, I lub you!'' I shouted, the two of us now fully running on our feet, reaching the stairs.

''No, go love Malum!'' he exclaimed, nearly tripping and rolling down the staircase as I howled in laughter.

''No, you little shit, just stop!'' I giggled, hearing his slight laugh as we continued circling around the house.

''Lu- Harley, is that you?'' an oddly familiar voice suddenly reached us and I stopped dead in my tracks, as well as the boy in front of me.

And as my eyes fell on a mop of messy curls, I was left stackjawed.

''A-Ashton?'' I questioned sheepishly, watching my brother's eyes grow bigger, confusion clear behind his green irises. His mouth hung open as he looked from a very nervous Luke to me.

''What is going on?'' he asked carefully, every word long and filled with complete and utter confusion.

I bit my bottom lip, staring at my boyfriend, only then noticing our appearance.

The only thing I had on me was Luke's oversized AC/DC tee shirt, with a pair of knickers. And not to mention that Luke only had his boxers that he previously put on.

Jesus, I wonder what Ashton was thinking?

''Ash, we can explain everything, '' I stammered, fiddling with my fingers.

Ashton's eyes narrowed as he literally glared through my soul.

''Oh, you better explain or else I'll probably kill both of you!'' I flinched at the harshness of his voice, watching the vein on his neck pop out, ''We've been worried sick, Harley! I kept calling, but no-one answered. No-one knew where you were. And then I decide to come and ask Luke if he has seen you and look what I find! My sister running around my best mate's house, almost naked, as well as him!''

I huffed, trying to calm me nerves because he was making me angry. .

''Ashton, I'm sorry I never answered, my phone's probably dead by now. But as for the other part, you have absolutely no right to speak about mine and Luke's relationship because you have no idea what's going on between the two of us. ''

''Then explain it to me!'' he nearly screamed, ''Because two months ago or so, you were crying your eyes out because of him, God I thought things were done between you two! But, look at you now!''

''I admit it, I was hurt. But, Luke and I cleared things out and everything's great now. I love him, Ashton and he loves me. So, just accept it and move on, please don't act as if you don't want us together, when you know how much we mean to each other,'' I said, giving him a pleading look.

Ashton turned to face Luke, who was awkwardly standing in only a pair of boxers. I wanted to laugh, but resisted because it really wasn't a moment for it.

''What do you have to say?''

Luke's eyes found mine before returning to Ashton.

''I agree with everything Harley said. We love each other and if we decided that we should leave things behind, then I think you should do it as well and move on. Because, life goes on, want it or not, '' he told him, his hand coming around my waist as he securely held me close to his body.

Ashton sighed at last.

''I really hate to be the bad guy, but I'm just worried about you, guys. It's hard when your best mate and sister are together, it's like a constant battle in my brain because if one of you gets hurt, I'm put into a nasty situation where I have to choose between the two of you. And, no offense mate, but I would always choose my sister, '' he said quietly, getting a soft smile from me. I released myself from Luke's grip, almost running so I could hug my brother.

''I love you so much, Ash. But, I promise you, you have nothing to worry about. Just have faith in us, okay?'' I told him, sending a smile in Luke's way as he watched us with a smile.

''Yes, we love each other too much, so I don't think we're ending things anytime in this century, '' he said, half-joking as he grinned like a fool.

I giggled, as well as Ash.

''You better not. Now, go dress up, I'm sick of seeing you half naked, '' Ashton laughed, pushing me away as I pretended to be mad.

''Fine, let's go Lukey, he can stay alone here,''

As we started walking upstairs, we heard Ashton's voice again.

''And by the way, '' he nearly shouted, ''don't forget to always use protection. I don't wanna become an uncle at such young age!''

The two of us laughed loudly.

''Shut up, Ash, you're like seventy years old!'' I hollered with a smirk.

''With a soul of a ten year old, '' Luke added, watching as the smile on my brother's face grew, incredible warmth immediately filling my heart.

Things are, after all, okay.

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