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"Jeez,that was soo cheesy!" Harry exclaimed with a roll of his eyes. He finds everything 'cheesy'.

A laugh came from me. "Yeah like, he's so not into her. Why pretend then?"

It was hilarious how I was talking about a movie with a kid. We were discussing every scene and Harry would laugh at almost everything.

What I wanna say is that he has an amazing laugh. Just like Ashton. He is capable of laughing at every little thing.  No matter how funny something is, he's going to laugh anyway. But it doesn't bother me at all. When he's happy, I'm happy too.

So it's been  almost a week since we skyped with Ash and they're coming back home tomorrow. We are all beyond thrilled. When I told my mum about it, she started jumping around, being her chirpy self. She loves Ashton so much, well he's her first and eldest child and I think that just the thought of him leaving makes her really sad. So now you understand why she was so chuffed when I told her the news.

I hadn't told her about me going on  tour with them because Ash said that we should tell her when they come back. So I kept my mouth shut.

I groaned as the movie finished.  Harry huffed.

''Such a waste of time! Why were we even watching this, Lee Lee? ''

I shrugged.  ''Because you said it was a good movie.''

Harry frowned, looking extremely cute.  ''Whatever.''

I pulled my phone out.

"Selfies?'' I asked and he rolled his eyes playfully.


We started pulling ridiculous faces and when we got bored I chose one of the pictures and posted it on Twitter.

It said: @HarleyIrwin16: "We just can't wait for  @Ashton5SOS to come back. Miss you pal. xxx"

Then I logged out and threw my phone away.

Harry was gone upstairs, probably playing some games or something. 

Hmmm... What shall I do?

Ashton's POV.

"Thanks Adelaide! You were amazing and hopefully we'll see you soon! Bye!"

We just finished our last concert here in Adelaide and we were exhausted. 

''Man, the audience was so loud! It's amazing!'' Calum exclaimed as we made our way into the dressing room. "Yeah, it feels awesome. I still can't believe we're actually having gigs, remember when we used to play at random clubs and stuff? " Michael shook his head in disbelief, his pink hair falling over his eyes.

''Yeah man, I know right?'' Luke noted as he he pulled his phone out and  crashed onto the couch.

The rest of us did the same. I took my phone as well and went on Twitter. I immediately spotted a new tweet from Harley. A smile appeared on my face when I saw the picture of her and Harry. They were both pouting and looked  so adorable.

"Hey guys, have you seen Harley's last tweet?''

Luke took his phone and then started typing something. 

"They're so cute! Oh look at Harry, he changed his haircut,'' Calum squeaked like a scholgirl.

"And Harley looks great,'' Michael stated and I sent him a glare, making  him raise his hands in surrender. 

I retweeted and then took a smiley pic of myself, sending it, saying: "@HarleyIrwin16 Only one more day... I miss you too. :P x"

I yawned and then stood up, causing the boys to look at me. "I'm tired. I'll just head back to the hotel. Night guys.'' we're kinda having this afterparty kind of thing to celebrate our last night here. But I'm too exhausted to go.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now