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''Hello?'' a soft voice spoke into the line.

''Mum, it's me.''  I smiled, handing a man the money as he smiled gratefully at me.

''Harley! Dear, where are you?'' her frantic voice asked.

''I'm here, mum. More exactly, in front of the hospital.'' I answered. ''What floor are you on?''

''Third floor. Hurry up, darling.''

I nodded to myself, making my way inside. ''Okay.''

As I walked in, I realised that the lifts aren't working so I had to use the stairs. I groaned a little, but did it anyway.

When I finally reached the third floor, the first thing I spotted was my mum's blond hair and the way she sat slouched in the uncomfortable hospital chair. I hurried over to her.


As she saw me, her face lit up and she jumped to her feet, running in for a hug. I felt tears prickle my eyes as she started sobbing quietly in my shoulder. ''Shh, it's okay.'' I soothed, almost choking on my words.

''Sh-she's in a-a coma, Harley, they said th-they don't know when she's going to w-wake up.'' she cried.

I immediately felt cold shudder. ''Everything will be fine mum, I promise.''

''Mrs. Irwin?'' a voice came from behind and we broke the grasp to find a man in white standing there with a clipboard in his hand.

''Yes?'' mum sniffed, wiping her eyes.

''I'm doctor Richardson, I'm in charge of Lauren's situation.'' he introduced, giving us a sad smile.

I nodded. ''Will she be okay?''

''She's stable now, but I'm afraid that we don't know when she's going to.wake up from coma. It could be days, weeks, months... even years.'' he told us, causing mum to break into another crying fit as I rubbed her back soothingly, trying hard not to cry.

''W-will she be okay... when she wakes up? Is she going to have any damages?'' I questioned, swallowing the lump in my throat.

''We don't know about that right now. It's hard to tell. Only when she wakes up.'' he answered, nodding sadly before he shuffled away.

I hugged my mum again, her sobs getting louder. ''Mum, shh. She'll be okay, I promise. Our Lau is strong, I have faith in her, okay?''

Another sniffle.

''Let's go inside.'' she said, going towards the door and  looking back at me with teary eyes. I followed inside.

And there lied my beauty of little sister, looking perfectly peaceful, surrounded by nothing but dull whiteness. Her skin was so pale, her brunette hair losing her usual shine. She was still beautiful.

Mum couldn't keep her tears in, so she went outside, leaving me to sit next to her bed, and stare at her almost lifeless body, the beep of her heart being the only sound in the background.

''Hi Lau. '' I said, my lipd dry and a huge lump in my throat. ''It's me, Harley. I-I came back, honey. You can wake up now. But I'm not forcing you or anything, so feel free to wake up whenever you want. I just... just thought you wouldn't want mum to cry anymore. She's really sad. So is Ashton. He wanted to come, but he couldn't. He loves you so much, Lau. We all do. You're our little princess. So, hurry up and open those pretty eyes of yours, okay?'' I spoke, a few tears actually spilling down my cheeks as I couldn't keep them in anymore. This was too much for me a I'm an incredibly emotional person. Lauren really does mean so much to me.

Door suddenly creaked open, causing me to look up and see a familiar small figure looking at me.

A smile instantly appeared on my face. ''Harry. ''

He almost jumped towards me, hugging me and kissing my cheek. ''I missed you so much, Harley.''

I ruffled his hair. ''Missed you too, little one.''

Harry looked down to Lauren sadly, his bottom lip jutted out. ''Is Lauren going to be okay?''

I nodded, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. ''She will. I promise.''

''Where's Ash?'' he suddenly questioned, staring at me intently.

''Uh, he couldn't come. He's really busy, Har, but he'll come soon.'' I told him.

Harry still looked sad, but kind of satisfied that he got his closure.

''You hungry?'' I asked.

Harry shrugged. ''I guess.''

''Is mum in the hall?''

Harry nodded.

I stood up. ''Let's go.'' I offered a hand for him, which he accepted. ''Go where?''

I looked at Lauren one last time before exiting the room. Mum stood leaned on the wall, trying to contain the tears.

''Mum, I'll take Harry home, but tomorrow I'm staying, okay? You'll go and take a rest.'' I told her.

Mum smiled. ''Fine, sweetie. I think there's some lasagna left at home, if not you can make something.''

''Okay.'' I said, kissing her cheek as I hugged her. ''See you in the morning. ''

''Okay. Bye kids, Harry listen to Harley, okay?''

''Alright mum.'' he replied, waving at her as we shuffled away and down the stairs.

It took us about ten minutes to reach our house and I immediately felt nostalgia take over me. I've missed everything so much, and now just being here made me little happier.

I made dinner, since lasagna was basically unusable. And when I settled Harry in bed, I went to call Ashton.

His face appeared on the screen just seconds after.

''Harley!'' he cheered and I could see that he was in a tour bus.

''Hi Ash.''

''How is everything, was your flight okay, did you go to hospital, is Lauren alright?'' he frantically asked.

I resisted the urge to chuckle.

''I've been to hospital. Mum... she's crushed, doctor said how they have no idea when she's gonna wake from coma and... it's so depressive.'' I choked.

Ashton's face softened. ''Hey, hey, Har. It's okay. Our Lau is gonna be okay.'' he assured.

''That's what I keep telling myself, but...''

''How's Harry?'' Ashton asked quickly.

I smiled a bit. ''He's good. Put him to sleep, it's been a long day for him. Where are the others?''

Ashton shuffled around, finally plopping onto the window seat.

''Well um, Calum and Michael are out with Niall, said they have to buy some stuff. Angela... I think she's hanging out with Gemma at 1D bus. And Luke... he's sleeping. '' Ashton said.

I smiled sadly. ''He's tired, huh?''

Ashton nodded.

''We all are. All these performances are tiring.''

''Yeah...'' I trailed, my mind drifting away.

''And you're tired too, so I'll leave you to sleep.'' he added.

As if on cue, a yawn came from me. ''I am. But I'll talk to you tomorrow again, okay?''

Ashton smiled, nodding. ''Good night sweet cheeks.''

''Night Ash. '' I waved before hanging up and throwing the phone on the couch before jogging upstairs.

And let me tell you, it felt wonderful to finally fall asleep in your own bed.


This is dull, sorry. But drama coming in next chapter, so get ready!

And make sure you comment or else I'm not updating it soon.


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