The nickname.

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My neighbor's playing Nirvana on his drums as I write and he's fucking amazing! I'm all dandy because he's literally just across the street like omg guys! I know you're all jealous because he's a motherfucking model, and he reminds me of Ashton so fucking much because he plays drums so good ughhh..

And omg I need to share this with you. So basically, I went out with my sister and her friend last night. We thought we would just take a walk around the park before going to sit at this little cafe. The park's literally not lit, it's so dark and we were like kind of scared of going there, but we did anyway.

So as we went, we casually talked and stuff. But then I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to turn my head so I could see who it was. And my face went into a terrified one  as I saw a face. You know those weird old women that look like fucking witches with a scary face and stuff? Yeah basically, that's what I saw. My friend screamed in fright and we all started running away before I realised that it was, in fact, a freaking mask and that it was some boy pulling pranks on people. His friends were literally cackling behind the bushes and we had to laugh too, because it was so freaking ridiculous when we looked back at our reactions. xD

So yeah, I guess you could say that I had a pretty adventurous and fun-filled night, huh? What have you guys been up to?

Anyways, enjoy this chapter, I'm gonna continue listening to this beautiful music just across the street. ;)


Once upon a time, there had been a girl. She led a perfect life, having and getting everything she wanted.

And then a boy came into that picture and stole her heart away. They fell in love and lived happily ever after.

Sounds perfect, huh?

Well guess what, my life isn't anywhere even near that beautiful story.

You know that feeling you get when your heart feels as if it's gonna explode because the aching is just so strong, you can literally feel the pain?

That exactly describes how I feel. No fairytales, no bullshit stories that hold just a load of crap.

Just hurt.

Why did I feel hurt? Good question.

Maybe it's the feeling of guilt, regret and anger that caused it. I was regretting everything I've done in these last three months. I regretted ignoring the person that meant a world to me and that still proceeds to mean even more.

I regretted the attitude I was giving him, I regretted all the harsh word I used. But, behind it all, I still had that small piece of doubt lingering in my head, that asked: Is Luke telling the truth?

For all I knew, he could be saying that to save his ass.

Look at it this way; they indeed kissed, Luke liked it, but then after that regret got him and he decided to just get back with me, not counting that I'd find out about it. But when he found out that I did, he quickly came up with an excuse, that he counted will get me back.

That's the first version.

The other one is; what he said actually is true. Avery chick kissed him and he pushed her away. He didn't feel anything, because, as he said it, he loves me, not her.

To me was to choose which of these two versions were correct.

But how?

As I lied balled on the huge bed of Mali-Koa's room, tears marking my cheeks, a sound of a knock reached my ears. I decided to just ignore it, hoping for the person to just go away.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now