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Please, read the author's note at the end of the chapter. Thanks and enjoy reading. :)

A wise man once said that you don't need another human being to make your life complete. But let's be honest. Having your wounds kissed by someone who doesn't see them as disasters in your soul but cracks to put their love into is the most calming thing in this world.

And that's exactly what Harley and Luke are to one another. Their love was so strong, so beautiful. But at the same time, it was so fragile and unhealthy because they literally went through everything. Life has put them into various situations where they had to prove their love and trust for one another. And whether they did good or bad, at the end they showed everyone that their love survived even toughest challenges.

They could've given up long ago, but something, that incredibly strong thread, kept them together.

From the day the two of them met, everyone could see that it was not that typical friendship Harley had with other boys. No, theirs was different, full of care and trust. They liked each other. And, as said, not just as friends.

It was incredibly cold that Thursday morning. No wonder, since the winter has arrived, bringing the coldness and dullness along. It wasn't snowing, but it was cold enough for the small ponds to freeze and for the streets to become all slippery from the last night's rain.

Luke hated winter. With passion.

Whether it was because of coldness or the constant monotony and grey clouds, he still loathed winter. And also probably because he lived in a place that was literally always warm and sunny. You can't really blame the kid.

Since the winter came unannounced, Luke wasn't even properly prepared for it, so no wonder his teeth chattered as he made his way to school on Ben's old bike.

Luckily, the school was only about five minutes away, so he arrived pretty quickly. As he went to put away his transport, he couldn't help but hear the voices coming from the old janitor's closet.

Luke's eyes narrowed as he cautiously made his way to the door, voices becoming louder and clearer.

"Let go of me, " Luke's eyes widened at the sound of a girl's helpless voice and just as he was about to rush in, someone else spoke. A boy.

"Shut up!" the voice was harsh and cold and Luke immediately recognized it, his eyes widening seemingly.

It was Chris Hillman, the school's jock and biggest bully. Luke didn't know him personally, because, thankfully, Chris never touched him. Luke could thank for that to Ashton, as well as Calum. They always hung together and since Chris is scared shitless of Ashton, he'd never dare to even touch Luke.

So, it was probably one of the reasons Luke pushed the door open, revealing the devil himself, along with a helpless girl. Luke was stackjawed as he recognized her face.

"Harley?" he couldn't believe it was her.

But Harley stood there with scared eyes, that pleaded for help. Chris had his hands on her wrists as she tried to wiggle out of the strong grip.

Chris narrowed his eyes at the blonde, obviously angry that he interrupted. Chris was a junior, as well as Ashton, which made the two of them freshmen.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, dipshit?" he growled, his black eyes boring into Luke's with a deadly and fierce look. Luke had to admit, he was scared shitless.

But seeing Harley being treated like this made him forget about his fear as he straightened his posture. Since he was incredibly tall for his age, he reached Chris' height, which was a plus. He felt quite less intimidated.

You Found Me. [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now