6. Numbing those teeth up

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He reached his arm up to adjust the light over my mouth again

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He reached his arm up to adjust the light over my mouth again. He gave me a quick stroke of his thumb in my cheek before reaching out for the mirror again. He reached out with his right hand for the syringe and I tensed up again, but this time I kept my mouth open. "Don't look at the needle, just look me in the eyes babe." Harry said with a muffled voice. He laid his hand with the syringe on the top of my chest, making sure he got eye contact with me before saying "There would only be a small pinch" and I stung my eyes shut due to the pinch. "Take slow breaths for me babe" He must have seen that I'm holding my breath. "Nina, breath for me, slowly in and slowly out, yeah there you go, keep doing it like that." I started feeling uncomfortable of the needle so my eyes shut up and I help my hand up to signal him to stop doing it. "Babe, we are almost done now, it's a bit of pressure, but it's only the medicine taking place in your gums. Remember to breath and look me in the eyes, count to ten and it would be over." All I tried to think about was looking him in the eyes. His eyes was warm and loving and for a second I got lost in them, until he's gaze switched from my eyes and down towards my mouth again and pushed the rest of the medicine out from the syringe and took the needle out of my mouth.

"You were doing so good babe, I'm so proud of you." Harry said smiling down at me.

As a sign of relief was washing through my body, Harry rolled his chair back to get a new syringe from the counter behind me. I gave him a terrified look and he slightly laughed at me saying "you are not numbed up yet, you have to have three more needles. But you did so good now, and you won't feel the next ones as bad as the first ones due to being a bit numb already." I just sent him a glare of anger and he just laughed in response.

When the needle was ready he placed himself underneath my head, reached for the mirror and brought it back into my mouth. It was true what Harry said, this time it didn't feel that bad, just a bit of pressure. But the last needle was the worst one of them all, it was the dreadful needle that was placed behind my teeth and I felt I could hear that Harry pressed the needle longer inside my gums. My eyes started watering and soon there was tears streaming down the sides of my face. "Hush, hush, you are doing great honey, I know this one is uncomfortable but it would be done very, very soon. I need you to breath for me babe." I just felt so helpless, laying there underneath my boyfriend that also happens to have a massive needle in my gums.

"There, you are all done

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"There, you are all done. Well done Nina." Harry made the chair go up and pushed a button to fill a cup of water up. "Rinse and spit out with that water for me please." Harry stood up from his chair and took the needles away from the tray, probably not to let it scare me by having it on the tray anymore.

Harry placed a new pair of gloves on the tray and let himself down on his chair again. "Aww, baby don't cry, this is my job.. Come here baby" he gave me a funny look and reached out his hands for me to come sit in his lap. I gave him a puzzled look whilst he dried my face from tears with his thumbs. I gave in a hug and he hummed lovingly in my hair. "Babe, you did so good, you were so brave." "Thanks Harry. My face feels weird." "Haha, that's the Novocain starting to work. Get yourself in the chair for me and we can start the procedure."

He removed the blue paper that had been covering the tray all the time, and started placing the tools in an order

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He removed the blue paper that had been covering the tray all the time, and started placing the tools in an order. He lowered the chair for what felt like the 10th time that morning, finding his place and hovering himself over me again. Putting on his gloves and mask, he readjusted the lamp again. "I'm just going to have a look again, using the mirror and the probe. This time it won't hurt at all whilst I'm working on your teeth, so there is nothing for you to worry about."

He reached for the mirror and probe and leaded them towards my mouth. "Please open wide and big for me girl." I did as I was told, "Thank you." He looked around and squinted his eyebrows together leaving the probe on the tray and bringing back what I thought was the drill. I then screamed a bit in fright. "Calm down Nina, I'm only going to blow some air around the area to get the saliva out of the way. Nothing to be scared about. I'm not going to start to drill your teeth before I have said so, okey?" I gave him a muffled okey in return.

I felt ashamed for being so dramatic to all this, he has used the air tool before. The more I thought about it, the less comfortable I got in the chair, and Harry started noticing. "Nina, can you please try and calm down, breath in and breath out. You don't need to work yourself up over this. I just need to feel around to see how much there is to do. Are you feeling any pain or are you just a bit stressed out?" He asked me removing the tools out of my mouth.

I can feel Harry's tension and I am scared he will get upset about me any time now. "It doesn't hurt no, I'm just a bit uncomfortable". He nodded his head and put the mirror and probe back inside my mouth. Now he had started really probing my poor teeth and the pressure scared me a bit. His eyes were sternly looking in my mouth and he looked very, very concentrated. He removed the tools over to the tray and started putting the drill together. My nightmare was soon to begin. As he had turned around to reach for the end-pieces for the drill I started panicking and tried my very best to get out of the chair. But to my luck he turned around and held me back.

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