9. The talk

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Harry's point of view:

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Harry's point of view:

I could feel Nina's reaction coming. Her whole body tensed as she new something was wrong when I pointed to her wisdom tooth. I feel so bad for making her feel this scared, and even though she loves me so much, I know that she is scared of ME. It hurts, but I need to think about her. Yes it hurts me, but she is hurting more. At the same time I know that she can warm up to me being a dentist, and she will learn to trust me being her dentist after a while. But we need to do this together. I could hear she ran and locked herself to the toilet, so I'm just going to quickly finish up writing her journal before I go and talk to her. I bet she wants just a few minutes by herself.

Nina's point of view:

Sometimes I hate Harry. I hate him for choosing to become a dentist, why on earth do people want to become dentists if it isn't for torturing others and make them feel bad about themselves? I just don't understand Harrys choice of work. I also hate myself for falling in love this this guy, I new very well from the beginning that Harry was a dentist. We met when we both was 24 years old, he had already been working as a dentist for about a year at that time. We dated for about six months before we got into a relationship, and now we are 26 years old. He's been working as a dentist for three years, and he's not planning to change his work pathway. I know that Harry loves his work, he's excited to go to work every morning. I admire that about him, I've never meet anyone that never have had a day or two without regretting their choice. But Harry never had, as long as I have known him. Of course he can be very tired sometimes due to a lot of work and many patients. Sometimes he can come home being a bit frustrated due to horrible teenagers being teenagers. A thought strikes me «I am just like a teenager, I am very hard work for him. Poor Harry».

My thoughts were interrupted from a knock at the door. «Can I come in sweetheart?» Just by hearing his voice my heart stung cause I needed him more than ever cause he is the one I turn to when I'm scared or upset. But at the same time he is the reason for me being scared and upset. My eyes started welling up again, and right now I don't know what to do. «Love? Please let me inside, I just want to talk to you. We aren't going to take out your tooth today.» I looked myself in the mirror, I looked like a complete mess. Tears everywhere. This day have drained me so much that I have lost colour in my face. I walked over to the door and hesitantly unlocked it, and walked back to the toilet and sat down.

Harry's point of view:

I could hear the door unlock but after a time she didn't open the door. «Love? I'm coming in now.» I open the door and she sat at the toilet with her head in her hands. She didn't move one bit when I walked closer towards her. I squat down in front of her not saying anything just carefully started rubbing her knees with my hands. After a few minutes she started to remove her tears with her hands and slowly looked down at me. «Hi love.» She gave me a small sad smile. «I think it's time for us to go home now, okey?»

 «I think it's time for us to go home now, okey?»

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Nina's point of view:

What? Go home? I thought to myself. Isn't he going to make me walk into his office again, lay down in the chair and let him ripp my tooth out? Is he letting me go already? «W-what? Can we go home? Aren't you going to pull my tooth out?»

«Aww no honey, I wasn't planning on doing that today. There is no hurry to remove your tooth at the moment, and you have been dealing with a lot today already. I think its best if we go home and relax for the rest of the day. Don't you agree?»

«Yes Harry, thank you! I would really loved that

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«Yes Harry, thank you! I would really loved that.» I said sniffing my nose while two single small tears left my eyes. Harry stood up and handed me his hand, he got me up as well and brought me closer to him. He used his thumbs to take away the tears and lightly caressed my cheeks and giving me a beautiful smile. «Come her love, lets get you home.» He held my hand out of the clinic and towards the car. «Thank you Harry.» «I love you» he said.  

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